(3) Megalomania
Map ID: #2577

Author: ONYX
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 10, 20 17:17

Comments (15)
I really like it, but if you made all the mains equal in type of terrain it would be better. Looks like red has a positional advantage because he can use high ground against the others when harassing.
it's not rly that balanced, I think. Blue's nat is alot saver than the others.
Do you ever think about what you say moebius? This guy is clearly good enough to have made all the bases the same if he wanted to. Besides, I don't even think he can read English :)

He's trying to mimic the anti-symmetrical nature of Fantasy, and I like it. I don't know if this one has any balance in particular, but it certainly looks playable and like good fun to have some games on.
Since this is for 1n1 only, and none of the main/nat setups are too experimental, it might actually be fairly decent. You will have to know how to play every mu for 6 possible positions, though.

imo z@10 vs t@2 will be the most imbalanced mu (of those that came to my mind so far).
The cliff over the nat (especially because of the ramp) might be really useful for terran, and since the nat's exit is so narrow, zerg won't be able to strike back well, too.
never seen this rised jungle ramps ever
In the tileset palette, there is an unused raised jungle ramp doodad. I guess he used that one, though I haven't opened the map itself yet.
he did not
Well, ok the way he did it is another option (though a little blocky and not standing out really well).
The unused ramp doodad wouldn't be extendable well, though.
it can't be copy/pasting extendable, and it only faces one side.
ONYX made the 2 sides and an inverted one :S
map is beautiful obviously :)

Great concept and awesome execution.
Except for the glaring imbalances, yes.

Naturals for the three players are all incredibly diverse. Teal's is impossible to defend from tanks, red's is easily worker raided and blue's is just nice an defensible.
Nasty is in love with korean maps ._.
Admittedly, Koreans are a bit more original that we mirror-addicted foreigners.
I wouldn't say that. When neutral buildings were "in", many maps with neutral buildings were created in Korea. Same now with non-mirrored maps, somehow started with fantasy I guess.
u got to admire the attempts they make to preserve teh fun factor for the leagues and the SC scene in general.