(3)Lock and Load
Map ID: #2627

Author: maximumdan
Map Size: 96*96
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2007, 11, 16 18:37

Comments (13)
here's my attempt at a 3 player 96x96 with a pinch of nostalgia. give it some love eh?
Its pretty cool, im no great mapmaker myself but
-Doesnt teal look a little serperated from the rest?

-And theres only one nuetral expo (island) and teal and blue have way more advantage over it then red

-Terran owns here. Tanks in middle of maps, and anything crossing those bridges are done
Its pretty cool, im no great mapmaker myself but
-Doesnt teal look a little serperated from the rest?

-And theres only one nuetral expo (island) and teal and blue have way more advantage over it then red

-Terran owns here. Tanks in middle of maps, and anything crossing those bridges are done
Maybe TvZ and PvZ will be hard to defend against fast mutas (can't counter via ground (long paths; longer than on PA))in blue vs red.

Sorry for bad english.
This needs a major reshaping; place the mains/nats differently (dunno how, but as it is now, it won't work)

There basically are only 2 possible "neutral" expo spots: The island and the free main + nat. Since the 3rd main is so easy to protect, there should be some more possible expoes to compensate for this. Maybe just 1 or 2 more islands, or some minonlies in the center.
Nah... I think there is no room for more expos, but it's a need! The only thing i think of now is "the double nat setup". I mean a second line of minerals behind each natural, but it would be cool if you separate both lines with something to prevent AI workers to go in the second line, before the first line is mined. I am sure BWMN mappers here already know how to do that since they are some maps with this idea.... And the gas at the nat maybe 10 000?

Well thats just an idea to make a 2 in 1, becouse there is no more room in this map for extra expands, and for sure, you have to delete this air expand... Make a smile emotion or something :P
i like it the way it is
only thing retarded is the island.
in an ffa... only 1nat?! omg!!
modified by LML
thanks to everyone for commenting

LML: i probably should have pointed out that its meant for 1v1.

AdOgG: you are right, opened up middle a bit more, can't see a good alternative though for the bridges.

spine: yeah more expos would help. stuck a min only in the center

LGI and inept: yeah, the island is retarded, and should be removed, but i like the flavor of it. I'm thinking the min only that i gave to red might balance it out a bit. i think a min only is roughly equal to having an air expo near by.

LGI: 2 in 1 expansion sounds like a good idea, but would go against the maps purist (no wider ramps, inverts, neutral buildings etc) style. but if it seems to be more necessary later i'll add it. do you think that just adding 1 min field at each location would do it?

modified by maximumdan
modified by maximumdan
EH? A SINGLE minonly? Now that's kinda imba...
The min only is to help red make up for not having as good of a location. if blue plays teal, it is balanced. but if red plays blue or teal, blue and teal are closer to the air expo, and closer to each other. i thought giving red a small min only might help balance this out.
It just feels like you wanted to make a 4 player map, and failed O_o lol
sry dude but yea.. :O