Map ID: #2639

Author: FateD
Map Size: other
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2007, 11, 25 23:05

Comments (19)
Sorry, pic making somehow alwais happened to bug halfway.. so no pic :(

if someone could put it, thatd be cool :)
and btw, guys, this is 150% experimental lol
and the deco isnt done yet too :O

unique and stylish, but unplayable with those small/short passages.
I know what you mean stylish but.. I tried it a couple times, and after like 5 games, i could at last macro n micro on the map... I know thats a long time to get "used" to a map, but I think it still could be worth it bc the games are gonna be really creatives and original, which is prettyy much what i intended to do...
As for balance, Ill need to try it on most mu`s and.. if you guys could try it n post repays, thatd be cool :D
Hmmmm, so you try to balance the obvious terran slant of the map by making multiple entrances to the main? I don't know if toss and zerg are going to be able to exploit this well, the paths are a bit convoluted. In zerg's case the nat does not "defend" the main. Also, are you sure there are no pathing issues?
pathing works to an extent of 0%.
lol i am aware thres a huge pathing issue, thats for sure, but thats the whole point man lol
what i mean by the min nat defends main is that the "normal" ramp to main distances are way too long to be used for a rush

but once more, there are maps that had this that still have been played, this is why i tried it :)
**pokes blitz**
modified by FateD
Hey tho, flo, would u think making a small opening on the bridge would help or not?

Guys btw, I think my map has potential to give good games, I really wish u guys would just give some ideas to make it to your own liking, bc, so far, the games ive played on it didnt seem to be race imba anyhow :O
modified by FateD
**Puts his map back to the top 10's hopping ppl will help with comments and ideas a lil more :O**
Well, why don't you post some of those games so we can see that the map is indeed OK.

: ^ )
map size is strange, can bairly see minimap inside 1v1 or editor
lol, i didnt save em... but ill post next ones !_!
Made a pretty big update to map, and my pic generator thingy (from the articles) still seem to alwais have the same error ONLY with my map :o ... :(

the map changed muchly... so plz some1 update pic idk :O

Btw guys, what do you use to have the ENTIRE doodad to happear ingame? I'm sorta sick of having halfed doodads :(
modified by FateD
I saw the replay, both armies spent a while blasting neutrals! But really what I had in mind is a say TvP game where terran tried a tank push down that narrow upper corridor.
lancet, u T player? ^_^ lol
What I mean is that terran is in a better position to exploit narrow passages. You are to be congratulated for posting a replay but it was a mirror match after all and the glaring issue in this map, besides pathing, is whether terran will have the upper hand.
Well, im asking if ur T to c who wants to tvp me, lol :D
Hey lancet, you saw replay right?
You saw there was too much mins right?
how about if i made it a hunger map? like maybe 600-750 per patch?
Frankly FateD I think minerals are the least of your problems in this map. In your replay the armies devoted a significant amount of their time to clear the neutrals and most people don't like to do this. Maybe if you just replaced some of those temples with neutrals that have the lowest hit points and can be destroyed faster that would work better. Also, like I have already mentioned, there is the issue of the possibility of a terran push along that upper narrow corridor.

Hey, remember to vote for MOTM.

: ^ )
modified by Lancet
hmm, is the neutral prob u c only at the bridges or at other places too?

and btw... how o i vote for motm? :O
**proposes the nweest version of BB!!!!**
modified by FateD