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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #2660
Author: Benny Breeg
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2008, 06, 17 00:32
Comments (16)
Benny Breeg
feedback would be nice.thx
Wow, 3 chokes that exit into 3 different battlefields, nice, I like it, but are you sure there are no pathing problems with those mineral blockades?
There is too much gas, but if you reduce it and move it all to the sides or to the center you will favor the action going there. You can leave the 12 gas expos but modify them in such a way that their total gas is equal to those of 8 (make each say 3400). If so consider bringing those central expos closer to the entrances and opening up the center more. Also consider having the 4 gas expos on the sides located at 12, 3, 6 and 9 instead of 2 right & left.
Zerg may have a vulnerability with disconnected bases at the begining.
You can use reversed ramps instead of using those "hooks" of land on the SW and SE mains. Need to add some more deco & doodads.
attemp at (4)Monty Hall?... well zerg needs their chokes connected to their main
oh btw, amanra the egyptian from age of myth?
I remember (4)Wizzy Noise :)
Anyway, cross path finding - sucks...
Way too long and it's separated badly...
And overall the map game play is really bad, imo...
Benny Breeg
I tried to stay away from every known map;it is not an attempt to MontyH. nor to Wizzy.Actually I don't know Wizzy and about Monty Hall I just heard but never saw or played.I think after all this years of SC it is not very easy not to collide with a previous concept when you make a map.Even if you don't know these maps someone will still find coincidences.
And about the name,Crimson,it is Amarna not Amanra.Amarna was the capital city of the Egypt under pharaoh Akhnaten.The city was build under his order wide in the desert far from any other settlement.He build this for the new chosen supreme god - Aton.As cult site,quasi.After fis regency the city was abandoned by his successor,wich go back to Thebes;the same thing happens also with the new religion.
About Amanra ?!? no idea
Dude, is that all you have to say about our comments?
I've found an old picture of Wizzy Noise... One of my first maps in BWMN back then :) .
modified by LGI
Benny Breeg
Well,I have the feeling you believe I copy your map.Why else you would come with this picture?
I see similarities as well I see alot of differences.To enumerare them would be useless.Everyone can compare the pictures and find them out.I just can't accentuate that I haven't see this map before.And btw,where should I found this map anyway?
And now to Lancet-
~no,I do think it is to much gas
~of course it would be a pathing problem if you try to engage on the lateral/top/bottom way and the other haven't mined the ressources from the ramp.This was the sense of placing them there.Imagine a main with 3 open doorways;can you really deal with this in a game?.So in the early game if you play carrefully you should watch them and if the other try to mine them in his intention to attack,you should be able to defend so quick as possible.
~and about the middle expansions;if I come with them closer to the mains,as natural quasi,maybe i would become a larger middle but also this expos would constrict to much the area near to the open doorway.
Of course with 3 chokes you have to block some of them but then you have to deal with more hassles when scouting and setting rally points. At 12 geysers, I still think you have too much gas for this map. As to the disconnected mains how would you propose that zerg play this map?
Hey all, remember to vote for MOTM-12!
Dude, don't get me wrong... I don't say you copy me, i just said it reminds me... And it's hard to copy me, because this map is hard to find in the internet. The only spot where you can find it, atm is at an old feature from 2005 or 2006 at about me, with an old map pack by me. In this map pack you can find it. But i am sure you don't need it :) . Not to mention that i don't even like the map :/ . Still it's my newbie design skills... As i said, it's one of my first at BWMN.
HQ picture ? how :D
HQ = High Quality? Or rather Headquarters?
High Quality because the filesize of that pic is beyond 500KB - waaaay too much.
over 500 kb can't be putted in this site ? or i'am wrong
I'm not sure if the limit is breakable, but at least you are not supposed to upload files >500kB. it may have been possible some time ago but not anymore, dunno.
it is!how can you question this possibility after all the huge bmp's that you probably see too on other maps?
personally i think 500kb is a bit small - max should be 1mb;because you still wanna understand some details in a map before you open it in the 90% of cases i don't need to open a map in editor to judge/understand it.
i don't think this guy exploit the system;this pic is~599kb.i see no reason to hide behind a bad/mutilate picture if you think you create a good map.rather the opposite is true
There is too much gas, but if you reduce it and move it all to the sides or to the center you will favor the action going there. You can leave the 12 gas expos but modify them in such a way that their total gas is equal to those of 8 (make each say 3400). If so consider bringing those central expos closer to the entrances and opening up the center more. Also consider having the 4 gas expos on the sides located at 12, 3, 6 and 9 instead of 2 right & left.
Zerg may have a vulnerability with disconnected bases at the begining.
You can use reversed ramps instead of using those "hooks" of land on the SW and SE mains. Need to add some more deco & doodads.
Anyway, cross path finding - sucks...
Way too long and it's separated badly...
And overall the map game play is really bad, imo...
And about the name,Crimson,it is Amarna not Amanra.Amarna was the capital city of the Egypt under pharaoh Akhnaten.The city was build under his order wide in the desert far from any other settlement.He build this for the new chosen supreme god - Aton.As cult site,quasi.After fis regency the city was abandoned by his successor,wich go back to Thebes;the same thing happens also with the new religion.
About Amanra ?!? no idea
modified by LGI
I see similarities as well I see alot of differences.To enumerare them would be useless.Everyone can compare the pictures and find them out.I just can't accentuate that I haven't see this map before.And btw,where should I found this map anyway?
And now to Lancet-
~no,I do think it is to much gas
~of course it would be a pathing problem if you try to engage on the lateral/top/bottom way and the other haven't mined the ressources from the ramp.This was the sense of placing them there.Imagine a main with 3 open doorways;can you really deal with this in a game?.So in the early game if you play carrefully you should watch them and if the other try to mine them in his intention to attack,you should be able to defend so quick as possible.
~and about the middle expansions;if I come with them closer to the mains,as natural quasi,maybe i would become a larger middle but also this expos would constrict to much the area near to the open doorway.
Hey all, remember to vote for MOTM-12!
High Quality because the filesize of that pic is beyond 500KB - waaaay too much.
personally i think 500kb is a bit small - max should be 1mb;because you still wanna understand some details in a map before you open it in the 90% of cases i don't need to open a map in editor to judge/understand it.
i don't think this guy exploit the system;this pic is~599kb.i see no reason to hide behind a bad/mutilate picture if you think you create a good map.rather the opposite is true