Map ID: #2685

Author: NegativeEntropy
Map Size: other
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2008, 02, 14 11:45

Comments (9)
Reuploaded. (cause some drunken yahoo deleted it)
2v2 allied map (use map settings)
Made various changes including easier access to high-ground to help out terran.
I suggest the mud ramps as better inverted ramps, and you shouldn't really use the normal ramps with the inverted ramps, they are too different.
2v2 allied map (use map settings), cant ever be palyed 2v2 public with stats :/
Well, the main problem with 2v2 shared bases is that it requires UMS (use map settings), which is not acceptable for higher levels of gaming.
The team play feature from war3 (where players in teams are placed closest to each other) could solve this problem.
Map size other. -_-

Yeah, have to play ums, but I think it is still pretty bad. ;/
Well,gameplay in those reaplays was really interesting. Toobad there is the UMS issue.
Uploaded a new version and 2 more replays.
re siabbo: map size havent turned out to be much of a problem. 192 * 128 is obviously way to large for 1v1 but works well for this kind of 2v2 map i think.

re lancet: thanks for feedback on the replays. Were obviously not that good but i believe the map could work out for gosus as well.