(2)Bitter Jungle
Map ID: #2698

Author: SiaBBo
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2007, 12, 30 20:41

Comments (8)
Ok, I hope I made good map. I think it is good, but can you guys tell me is that good where are only minerals? Because I made it just because I thought are there enough minerals. Give me some helpful comments. I am working with this map. Some doodads and edit terrain. But comments please.
modified by SiaBBo
1. Gas issue - see articles
2. Lacks choke points
3. Terran could place tanks where I put the GMCS and potentially take a handful of free expos
4. Islands can be hit by tanks
5. Islands make killer tank drop spots as they can hit main really well
It's a fairly nice looking map asthetically.
modified by ludamad
Gas issue fixed. I don't think tanks have enough range to kill workers.
modified by SiaBBo
They would if lined up against the side with vision. They could hit the main buildings too.
modified by ludamad
Tanks can't kill workers on that cliff. I just tried it with computer.
Maybe place a minonly on the NE and SW corners? The map is OK but a bit too classical for my taste (but then again I am weird). Maybe if you connected the gas nat to the gas expo parralel to it creating two ways to reach the nat instead of one (as you have it now) I would find it more exciting. Wait to see what others say though.
maybe update the picture?
i still see
gas issue
too long distance to nat
too long distance to enemy
minonly should be closer water to not block the way
its totally mirrored which look slacky and unnatural

i think map would be better if u in that cliff in main that u made a path there to natural and made water and the old path. that would fix 2 of these problems
Where is gas issue? ;o Edited blue's spawn and make that path. Now map is not totally mirrored. What you think if I make bridge where is mineralblock and when you pick those you can go center faster. What you think?
modified by SiaBBo