(2)Nightlight 1.3
Map ID: #272

Author: boongee
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2006, 04, 18 23:07

Comments (13)
I'm hoping this was the map that won you blizzcon.
In my opinion, its seems to be the most interesting map of the lot.

So, So many positions to attain and so, so many ways to flank.

Great work man. Seriously.
another replay from bw4ever
I have a new version of this map with a ton of revisions and stuff.
And I will post it soon.

I edited a lot of stuff but mostly small balances and tweaks. There aren't any real big changes.

-Fixed a bug which allowed units as large as Zealots to pass through a hole behind the wall in the top-right corner of the map
-Repositioned naturals to make them less in the way and yet easier to defend
-Added a small bit of broken cliff to the edge of each main to prevent tanks from firing upon miners from low ground
-Balanced ramps a bit. Both can be walled with 1 barracks and 1 depot
-Decoration :D
-Some other stuff I probably forgot.

please play thx
Looks better.

But i absolutely dislike the center. I see no use in these 4 bridges, only thing is that units walk stupid :/ (well imo)

i saw the BlizzCon Reps and for me it looked like the center would be better if it was bigger and cleaner, maybe a cool decoration, templewall, something like that.
I agree with Listoric :P Also the doodad in the center of 4 bridges was right in the way of units :[
Like your whole design is not symmetrical and the middle is :S Kinda wierd (crushed rocks around the bridges ) etc
You can go around the bridges you know :P

but I like it, really. I think it's something different. You have your choke in the middle and open space around it rather than the opposite like on most maps. it brings a bit of different gameplay to the central battles. and I think it looks cool >_>
lol are u joiking or are u realy the cr8tor of this map(whits is one of 5 maps at blizzcon)
Ofcourse he made it. Every mapmaker who won blizzcon is active at this site.
kk :) grantz to autor of this map
lol are u joiking or are u realy the cr8tor of this map(whits is one of 5 maps at blizzcon)

I know, really. It's not like the people who made the blizzcon maps could EVER browse the internet