Map ID: #2753

Author: LostTampon
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2009, 04, 19 06:03

Comments (15)
mains to small and to tight... otherwise SEXMAP! :))
Wanted to play around with the mins a bit - but made a rather standard map.
The mineral large minpatches in the middle have only 1000k mins - the small ones 24 mins so a patch gets open when you start harvesting there.
Some mins at the main and the expo have a smaller amount so that the income reduces a bit after some time of playing (to counter the effect of massmins of the middle expos).
Mains arent small. :P
modified by LostTampon
looks sexy decowise, but i dont think gameplay will be good, because it seems quite boring.
the mineral in blues main, the one between the gas and the full minerals needs to be moved to other side, it blocks the way too much*

very nice map else gj
the ones with 24 minerals should be about 8 or 16 imo
yes, blue mienral fields sould be moved to southeast, gass can stay there, or you can move it left like in Taucross southern main.

nice map but where is the zerg 3rd gass? and mains are too small to my tatse,i'm glad you are back lost tampon.

you are the man who made last conflict and jerchico??? i love you
oh wow LT nice to see you back. Great new form of play with this type of set up. Good decoration choice and ruin layout.

It has a vague feeling of R Point for me. Something about it. gw
Looks nice but those small minerals in the center will just mess up pathing until you remove them.
what great new form of play? this ressembles LT very much actually apart from the minonly setup.
Hello, LostTampon :)
a map doesnt need third gas for zerg
...and z gets a 3rd gas on luna. You can't zvt vs a decent terran without getting lucky with a ling rush if you don't get a 3rd gas.

I'm pretty confident pvz will blow on this map. The expo layout is just not condusive to modern pvz. z>p easily I think, because of the third base being so hard to defend.

Eh, in general this map has a very oldschool feel to it: the lack of inverted ramps even when SE needs one badly, cliffable nats, no easy and defensible 3rd base outside of the mains, the map being fairly tight, and the pathing issues don't help.
New iccup map.