(4)Lucky Star
Map ID: #2755

Author: ProTosS4EveR
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2008, 01, 16 21:55

Comments (18)
Modified main/nat setup from : http://www.panschk.de/mappage/comments.php?mapid=1486

Highground isn't decorated yet.
modified by ProTosS4EveR
lol good thing your mains are all the same size
mirrored X/Y :D
whoa, this map is structured really really nice. The concept is simple, but it just has never been executed nicely until now. This is by far, one of the best maps i have ever seen.

U may want to remove the structure in the middle. I think it will only hurt PvT. As it is now, it looks like it will hinder flanking if T stabilizes his forces past his min only.

This map is really wonderful. And I like the decoration choice.
Aww I was working underground on a map with the same basic concept. :( I will still release it next week lol :P
seems hard ZvT on high skill level. the main/nat setup is cool, but i dont think there's much dynamics in the map.
Doesn't matter cuz nasty thinks it's one of the best maps he's ever seen! Who knows why, but he does, and that's what important!

I'd write a big large thing on what all I feel is wrong with the map, but you won't change the map or try to make a more player-friendly map in the future so I'm not going to bother. I also have a headache and am tired :(
You are wrong mjaroo :>
btw, this map has starparty written all over it.
just not what you think now ;D

Oh, i totally forgot this map but whatever it's an asphalt star, not a structure star.
which makes no difference because it's not about what it's made of but how it's shaped and looks like, silly.
terran > protoss
also, the main kinda sucks
Removed structure and added grass... that's all.
I will think how to make balance better an other time.
dont listen what morrow tells you, there NOTHING that makes t>p -.-
i totally feel duplicated. boooo
Duplicating SP is a honor. ;p

If i put mineral fields instead of disruptors, will it make ZvT more balanced?
modified by ProTosS4EveR
WHO THE FUCK IS RATING 0! even deathman's maps dont deserve a 0 --'