(4)Katrina Aftermath
Map ID: #2784

Author: Str18-02 (Desert mod by ludamad)
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2008, 08, 22 20:40

Comments (17)
Katrina on desert tileset. It is a bit bare because a lot of the doodads got lost in conversion, still working on that part, and making it function completely like katrina. Made with StarDraft and heavy cleaning.

Edit: Noticed some ramp abnormalities, will fix sometime soon.
modified by ludamad
Oh god it's the hellishly imbalanced map on the hellishly hot tileset. Terran has huge disadvantage against toss. I don't like this map. Btw, you can't make inverts on staredit -_-
modified by neobowman
The staredit comment was random. I do agree that Katrina is more than likely imba for PvT. However, I'm a zerg player ^-^. Anyway, I just like the map's look.
nice conversion.
katrina is p>z and t>z too :O
So lil change to this map could make it so much better than the original... just moving mains to corners n maybe adding a ramp that goes to the min only and POOF, u got a rather good map lol
this map isn'T P>Z :o
Z can play the P out ez:/
also it isn't P>T, ever tried to play PvT on this?! you never know how to atk cuz it is so tight that you would loss all your ground forces vs the T :/
How would a mineral or neutral building blocking a ramp going from the natural affect balance? As far as I know, one of the leading problems for TvP is protoss having tech easily hidden. Another entrance would help.

Edit: Except where to place it exactly is an issue.

And this map is quite statistically imbalanced for PvT.
modified by ludamad
LML needs to learn how to play sc :(
LML needs to learn how to play sc :(

If this map is T>Z and P>Z then do you guys think that placing neutral mines (like Flo did in "Mirage") in the in-base gas nat would help balance things out a bit? Zerg with early detection would then have an advantage.

There is a gas issue on purple and blue's mains. Won't there be a problem when the units exit some of the bases in the sense that they may cross the worker lines?
TvZ is probably this map's most balanced match up, other than mirror matches of course.
LML needs to learn how to play sc :(
LoL, should i make twilight or ice versio?
jaedong never loses on this map
So what if the original is imba, whatevver, its a cool conversion, and it will inherit whatevver balance the original has if its identical. What is there to argue about ?
lol I have no clue. I guess we just never talked about the map in its actual thread haha.