Map ID: #2814

Author: Nureru
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 02, 09 16:38

Comments (9)
It kinda wound up looking a lot like Lost Temple. Eh.

Most of the mineral patches have decreased values to make up for the excessive number of them. If this turns out to be stupid I'll change it, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Map is currently untested.
It does look interesting. Imma gonna comment after couple of games on it
modified by Alter.Ego
nice tank holes behind red :P
There's a map called (2)arden that's much older.

The map looks a lot like (4)Un'Goro Crater, except with more money and less room in the middle; and that map is already t>p.

I think there's way too much money, lots of mineral blocks and expos oO The map feels turtly.
Main2nat distance looks long.
wow he's improved so much
Map looks good. Excess of lower value minerals will also favor terran and toss over zerg. The gas in the N&S mains is tankable from the adjacent gas expo while that is not the case for the W&E expos. These gas-expos next to the nats are really going to be lethal if terran gets hold of them.
Fixed the tank holes I believe, and I'm pretty sure the nat isn't tankable from the double gas expos anymore. I sure as heck hope so, because it'll require a fair amount of renovating if it still hits.
Red's main looks puny compared to teal's
Minerals surrounding start point = not cool. Too crowded.