(3) Last Dinosaur
Map ID: #2825

Author: ONYX
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2008, 02, 18 05:32

Comments (20)
Tanks on buildings will pwn everything. Bottem main's mineral line sucks. All gas expos other than mains are tankable from middle. Too much minerals per gas. Bottem expo has advantage as less units on top of buildings can shoot down.
Yes, tanks on buildings kill everything. Terran can just take those gasexpos and it is pretty easy to defend. Only tanks on buildings gonna defend pretty well.
neobowman and SiaBBo, tanks on buildings will not kill anything because the rooftops are blocked.

ONYX, interesting map, however there are going to be major pathing issues in moving units around the map because of the neutrals and zerg is going to have big problems here because the main and the gas nat are disconnected and those swarms are really too much out of the way to help.

That zerg egg and those 48 value minerals are too much of a block on the ramps. Remove the egg and decrease the value ofthe minerals to say 16. Some of your buildings look uneven and broken by excesive use of that green store doodad.

The picture of your map is not showing, did you resize it to 800x800 pixels before uploading?

modified by Lancet
Ah, okay, but zerg gonna lose here anyway. Pretty hard to exp.
id like map more if ud remove all neutral buildings (sprites)

modified by iam41
nice map but lose the neutral buildings and dark swarm. Why is center locked? That is not cool imho
shut up Lancet. why do you have to order ONYX to remove the lurker egg and reduce the minerals?

neobowman and SiaBBo shut up too, you download the map before posting shit comments.

SiaBBo sayd:
"Ah, okay, but zerg gonna lose here anyway. Pretty hard to exp."

JUST SEND YOUR OVERLORD TO A NEARLY EXPO SO YOU CAN SEE THE MINERAL FIELDS, AND ASK 1 DRON TO GETHER. when workers are going to gather they jump-past even a lurker egg.

SO ZERG IS THE ONLY RACE WHO CAN FAST EXPO, and can take both multies. 3gass zerg vs 1 base protoss.
(terran can liftoff a barrax/engeenering bay to get vision @mineral fields and jump-past the lurker egg with an SCV)

real nice map! gj lol, if i was u tho, id try open middle a lil more (make buildings a lil weaker) but not by much... gj!!!
Testbug, you are way out of order censoring the posts of 6 people because you think they are wrong. We don't censor wrong posts, if you feel they are wrong you post why you think that is the case. Is there something wrong with you? Are you OK? You have never been like this before, calm down man!

As to your point, you are right I stand corrected, that is a very good idea, I had totally missed the point behind that egg there (see, what is so difficult about that? I make a mistake, you correct me and I accept I was wrong, no need to get all worked up about it).

Unfortunatelly, there are ways for say a probe to get past the egg with the mineral mining trick (I have done it, try it yourself). If the wandering probe then happens upon a fast-expoing zerg it can warp photon cannons behind the mineral line.

As terran can do the same plus you the mentioned the barrack spotting for SCVs I really don't know whether this compensates zerg enough for the disconnected bases. Maybe it does, I will have to think about it.

: ^ )
modified by Lancet
why do you have to order ONYX what to do?
"remove this and this and also make this changes, and bla bla bla" - no!
Testbug, those are suggestions. We don't always phrase them in a "tentative" format ("I suggest that you......) sometimes we just say "do this" but it is understood that we mean "do it if you want, it's OK if you don't". Sorry if this was not clear.

If it bothers you so much I will make an effort to make it clear from now on that my suggestions are just that, suggestions, as I can be wrong (like you well pointed out).

I also want to apologize to ONYX if that was not clear.


p.s. Please don't invisible the posts, that is censorship and also people that bother to look into this will not understand either your point or mine.
modified by Lancet
i agree with testbug, was really wrong to see siabbo comment something like that wtf.

also lancet u shouldnt write like that, u look down at the mapmaker and u wont really help him.

and now to the map :>, i think it could need more doodads. very cool concept ive never seen before, also very good mirrored
I really like the symmetry here. I'd rather make it semi-island (fully blocked out bases at start), seems to fit here.
anyone can place tanks on structure.
MorroW, that is not true and you know it, this is being blown out of proportion. SiaBBo's comment was not improper, it was merely wrong. I said it above and I will say it again (Maphost), you cannot drop tanks on the buildings because they are blocked by those "box-like" things that look like they house the heating-cooling system. Download the map and try it.

As to the map, yes very interesting concept but I still believe it has major problems.
lol testbgu, you want so much to be in the next KotH D
Ooooooohhh, OK I get it, duh!
what? :S
lancet you get it? i didn't please explain :(
Just being silly joking with ProTosS4EveR, please ignore it.