(2)Desert Eye
Map ID: #2826

Author: SiaBBo
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2008, 02, 18 22:31

Comments (9)
Assimilators are like in Troy.

And hey, I don't think mains are too big.
modified by SiaBBo
This is not like Troy, in so far as the assimilators are concerned, it may be actually be better as the nat has two exits and the assimilators are in one of them. Is also unlike Troy in the following (for terran):

With both assimilators all units get through. Destroy one of the assimilators and only small units can get through but then build a refinery (yes terran can build a refinery, the refinery box does not quite fit but move it around until it turns green) and then all units can get through again!

If you destroy the other assimilator (only a refinery left standing) then only M&Ms and ghosts (no firebats, SCVs or large units) can get through (weird) but build a second refinery and then all small units can get through (not large ones). Very interesting.

As to the map, I think that that side corridor leading to the gas-nat will be a major problem. I suggest that you ax this corridor, turn the gas nat into an in-base minonly and the minonly-nat into a gas-nat. There would be then two routes of entry to the nat and only one entry to the main.

It is pretty tactical if terran can build again? ^^
But protoss or zerg can't build again there?

Oh, you're right. Is that problem if terran can build there? Because why he even want build there?
modified by SiaBBo
No, no, no, sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it is (or is not) a problem, I just found it interesting. One of the concerns I had in Troy was that zerg or toss would just rush terran and wall him but you placed the assimilator in the nat and you gave it an additional choke so that is not an issue here (although thinking about it, the additional choke takes away from the "impact" of the assimilator choke).
Just a question, do gas nodes cause pathing issues like mineral blocks do? Or are they treated as terrain?
If they are too close to each other in such a way that no units can get through, yes. So if both assimilators are destroyed and you try to send units directly from your main or nat to the center you will have major pathing issues.
Well, but hey think about it. If your enemy come and destory your assimilators it is really hard to defend your base after that.
modified by SiaBBo
Little edits.
Siabbo in Troy IMO it was a problem but by placing them in the nat and having two exits you made it less of a problem.

Hey, talking about edits, what do you think of my suggestion above regarding the side corridors?