(4)Marbles 1.2
Map ID: #2947

Author: Queasy
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2008, 04, 22 09:35

Comments (11)
This is my first real attempt at a map, and I've been working on it the past few days. I don't really know what to say... it's not finished. I don't want to decorate it if there are race imbalances and whatnot. I stole the expansion idea for the one the bases in the vertical center from LostTampon's map Prophecy.

All input is appreciated :]

I'm pretty nervous to upload it here.

Edit: Haha, I still have player 12's start location set xP
modified by Queasy
Zerg maybe have problems cuz natural. It don't protect the ramp.

Fix gas issues. But dont fix at 12 and 6.
Welcome! I agree with Siabbo, where will zerg place the sunkens to defend the main and expo? He will have to invest in defending both at once. You can place a neutral creep colony but that introduces other problems of its own.

The map looks a bit tight, but you know what I would do? I would place big wide ramps in the central and lateral high ground. Wait till you get more comments before doing any edits though.
well welcome to bwmn!

if its true that this one is your first map i'm amazed lol :D
this is allready even better than some maps of established mappers here xd

well here are my suggestions:

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i agree with everything crackling said and his picture (and yes that makes my comment pretty useless)
Thank you for all the comments!

I'm attempting to address the problems you have all mentioned. Thank you for the input.

Also, Crackling my only other map is the quick map I did for the Clan Art Map Making Contest, Rotar. Which I am not pleased with at all.


Update: Marbles 1.1

-Turned the high ground leading to 6 and 12 into larger ramps to open up the center area more.

-The space tiles behind 6 and 12 I turned into broken high platform, because there were tanks holes I couldn't seem to properly fix.

-Edited all the main mineral set-ups, and tested them (though) only once and they are pretty equal.

-Hopefully fixed gas problems (except 6 and 12), but the natural at 1 the minerals have to be moved pointing towards the base because I didn't want the geyser to be overly exposed on the cliff and vulnerable to Muta. But, maybe I'm wrong and it's not that big a deal? It's also the reason the gas at the natural at 5 is near the ramp.

-I placed a ledge at the useless place Crackling pointed out, to hopefully open up the map more and make that area more useful.

-Not really sure what to do with 3 and 9 to make it more interesting but I pulled it back a bit. That area is still up in the air.

-Added creeps at the base chokes, and was still able to wall as Terran. I'm not a Protoss player so I'm not really sure what a competent wall for them would like but hopefully there is enough room for cannons.

-Still haven't done any decorating, only doodads used were to patch holes.

-Min counts are now:
Main: 9
Natural: 8
Min Only: 6
Gas Expansions: 7

About it.

modified by queasy
modified by queasy
i didn't understand why he told you to change 12 and 6...
the mineral field is necessary for terran wall in right?

what crackling sayd about 3 and 9 is that the gass should be moved to the edge of the map, because it is in the way.

when units moves vertically from minly to minonly they get stacked in the multies.

the center looks ugly and linear, maybe ytou can do it better? that about deviding the highground route with 2 ramps?

if it is suppose to be a fast route for zerglings, now big units can use it with no problem...

this map has potential :)
i'll be lurking
Would the gas problem not be as big a deal on an expansion? Because 3 is going to have to have the gas on the right.

I actually completely missed his gas arrow, haha!
modified by queasy
visually the map will improve if you swich some unbuildable high platform simply to space. specially along the sides
actually if z now make fe and make those 4 sunkens at that colonie place marines will still own it, why is that? well with such an wide area marines will surround the whole place v easy and when all marines attack same time the sunkens die very quick. i advise u to make some water/space in front of the colonie, watch GMC

i suppose the mineral lines in nat r v bad
modified by MorroW
Marbles 1.2 Changes:

-Increased size of mains.
-Tightened choke and moved creep colony, Zerg should have a easier time defending now.
-Moved main min line and gases.
-Changed natural mineral and gas layout, now 7 min.
-Aesthetic things.

Main: 9
Natural: 7
Min Only: 6
3 and 9: 8
12 and 6: 7

-Haven't updated the observer map yet.
-Now tired of working on this map :D haha!
modified by queasy
modified by queasy