(2)Gorge 1.1
Map ID: #2952

Author: Queasy
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2008, 04, 30 18:53

Comments (7)
Just a map I've been playing around with, not for the competition. Just wanted to use a back door and mess around with the Ash tileset.
tight/sall nats?
Yes, I'm probably going to open them up a bit.
u seems to be a good mapmaker :)

cant see any imbalances by eye, i think it will need much testing
Good map, I have some comments.

The way it is I think terran cannot wall in, you may want to consider that. Also the mineral block in the back door is a bit high (64). Maybe if you lower it to 16 (2 workers needed to remove it) it would be more friendly to strategies involving this route. Do you think the central expos should be 6 minerals considering that main + nat + minonly are 23?

When you send units from red's nat to Blue's backdoor minonly many units take the path between the geyser and the mineral clump of the expo at 9. When the slower bulkier units try to go through here they slow up the rest. This does not happen on the other side moving units from Blue's main to red's minonly. This "problem" can be easily fixed by extending that outcrop of high ground a bit (see GMCS).
I haven't tested this map at all yet, really. :]

Very rough so far. I will work more on it later, but right now I am busy brain storming for the competition. :D

Thank you for the comments!
modified by queasy
Gorge 1.1 Changes:

Expanded natural
Fixed pathing issue Lancet mentioned.
Changed back door mineral to 24.
Removed a mineral from the min only
One of the main base minerals is 750.