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(2)Got No Name
Map ID: #2981
Author: SwoRn.
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 05, 11 21:29
Comments (16)
Can't fucking upload a fucking picture has less than 500kb and is jpg file!!!
uploaded picture :)
man ptar, thanks alot!
If i remember right you cant kill that crystal thing. So why it is there?
to make map look even more noob
hm dont know if u can kill it...and what is morrow saying? dont understand this words...full sentence plz modified by Sworn.
im saying the map is noob, and with the mineral formations they look even more noob.
ill explain; mostly how a map looks noob or made by a "bad" mapmaker is judged by the decoration and shapes/sizes
if u just fixed all that not make stuff look so square, better fadings witht he grass > dirt (very important) and all other fadings between terrain tilesets, then i would put my mind into it at least a half minute to look at the balance. but when i see this "slacky" made map that just looks ugly and bad i wont see the real concept
the crystal thing cant be killed, which only will create path issue.
layoutlike that 2gate will always be effective vs zerg and take advantage early game no matter what. cuse zerg "cant" fe, his choke isnt protected by his exp. same this comes to tvz.
also there are like 2 ways to enemy + small in middle that wont be used late game. its impossible to flank
and another thing that is often needed, is overlord spot (a place close to see paths at enemy without getting range by marine)
ye im a noob mapmaker..^^ and im trying, but this map was made in less 1 hour and i dont think that it looks ugly, but..u are the pro not me so..
Nah, i wouldn't say MorroW is pro xD
BUT he's right :)
well im not pro but i do know the basics ^^
the thing im missing to become a "pro" mapmaker is to have inspiration to creat something new. most of what i do only makes basic gameplays :l
You cannot "kill" the Khaydarin crystal formation, it's esentially a permanant blockade of a ramp the way you have it. Zerg will not be able to block access to its main by expanding to the nat. Those mineral blocks in the center may create pathing problems.
No, you're missing more than that morrow.
ye i agree but that was the main problem imo
ye^^, i mean i build 1 map in a month and for map i work perhaps 1 hour^^, and i dont know the sry that i waste ur time...
Oh there's no reason to get all whiny/apologetic Sworn. -.-
Making 1 map in 1 hour per month certainly is keeping you from making better quality maps, but that's your fault.
As for the basics, you're not far from them. Look at other maps' distances and sizes and expo layout. No need to clone them, but keep them in mind and think about what you change in the gameplay when you modify those values.
I reccomend 4 player maps Sworn., 2 player maps are hard to make good.
modified by Sworn.
ill explain; mostly how a map looks noob or made by a "bad" mapmaker is judged by the decoration and shapes/sizes
if u just fixed all that not make stuff look so square, better fadings witht he grass > dirt (very important) and all other fadings between terrain tilesets, then i would put my mind into it at least a half minute to look at the balance. but when i see this "slacky" made map that just looks ugly and bad i wont see the real concept
the crystal thing cant be killed, which only will create path issue.
layoutlike that 2gate will always be effective vs zerg and take advantage early game no matter what. cuse zerg "cant" fe, his choke isnt protected by his exp. same this comes to tvz.
also there are like 2 ways to enemy + small in middle that wont be used late game. its impossible to flank
and another thing that is often needed, is overlord spot (a place close to see paths at enemy without getting range by marine)
BUT he's right :)
the thing im missing to become a "pro" mapmaker is to have inspiration to creat something new. most of what i do only makes basic gameplays :l
Making 1 map in 1 hour per month certainly is keeping you from making better quality maps, but that's your fault.
As for the basics, you're not far from them. Look at other maps' distances and sizes and expo layout. No need to clone them, but keep them in mind and think about what you change in the gameplay when you modify those values.
I reccomend 4 player maps Sworn., 2 player maps are hard to make good.