Map ID: #3011

Author: Excalibur
Map Size: other
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 05, 31 22:56

Comments (12)
Second of two 8p maps im working on. Everything but doodads is done except for suggestions on expos which i suck with epicly on 8p maps. I suck in general with it i guess, but someone has to make some maps for SMMM. (See thread in Main Forum.)

Also im aware the name sucks. Suggest a better one if you like. :P
Is that a joke about it being terrible then? I assume it is and i apologize. Im not very good at balancing 2 or 4p maps, i guess i shouldnt be doing 8p. But we need maps for SMMM and someone has to do it.
If i would start such a big 8 player map today, i would need some months to finish it 8[
Well Testbug did 7p on 128x128, im guessing 8p could be done on the same or one bigger. 256x256 isnt a requirement, but i suppose it would take awhile either way. I dont map well but i map fast i suppose.
I just prefer more even/positionally balanced maps. The gameplay/expo layout is just ridiculously different for each base, and like, why is only NE actually special for the battlefield? ie, why not more dwebs or swarms elsewhere in the map? Island mains are at a huge disadvantage, being island only hurts them with the distances so long. The map is just too random for me, personally.

I made (8)Plutonian Shores in 8 hours.
From other thread:
"The thing you have to remember is that we're playing Mods on SMMM and the entire balance of the game is usually changed. In some mods, siege tanks or mutas dont even exist or have a unit anything like them. Some mods only use gas, and some dont use it at all."

Thanks for the comments marjoo. :3
modified by Excalibur
Looks ugly. ;/
sorry, there's just not much I can say =/
excelent maping :)
It's good for our purposes. I can see it playing out nicely in a large FFA (or melee, whatever) game.