Map ID: #311

Author: trcc
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2005, 11, 20 19:56

Comments (7)
Third choice for blizzcon contest..

I'm very bad at describing my maps starparty do much better "The barrens" =P
Judging from the pic, I _really_ like it. :)
Except the two center expos (they look improvised) and the fact, that red and blue terran can control some the middle battleground from their mains.
that is more to their advantage since its much more probable that terrans might fire up the hills safely instead
Very nice map, looks balanced and seems to have an interesting gameplay!
I just added a replay. It's vanilla SC, so don't wonder why I build no medics. I had a couple of rines though ;P
I think it might need one more semi-easily accesable gas for protoss vs zerg ;P

The mains look very hard to secure for protoss vs zerg!