(4)Flaming June 1.0
Map ID: #3183

Author: FirEsHoT_[Raz]
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2008, 08, 06 21:00

Comments (12)
This is my map.
Are you sure there is not path issue?
I'm sure there are pathing issues.
Yeah, lets say you start at 5 and scouts to the north corner, the worker will probably try to go the path with the minblock wich will cause the path issue i assume ?
i'm sure there is no path issue.
but i haven't downloaded the map.
It only has a path issue if you tell your units to move from one side of those semi-islands to the other one, basically from ramp to ramp.
And that one is really close, btw. My drone went to the left and already was on the wide ramp but turned around then^^
owww it was a very good drone ^^
doog guy, GOOD GUY =)
nice work with this. it has a pleasant structure and executed nicely.
I like this map. The different main mineral formations came from testing, right? (Either that, or taken from pro maps) If you did those randomly then it may be a problem :P.
modified by ludamad
Improve the mineralplacements in the mains, the topleft main has an issue because there is no space between gas and mins causing scvs to mine ineffectively, my advice is to always leave space inbetween gas and minerals..
Tiamat clone! :)

Natural and minonly. haha.