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(2)What be this
Map ID: #3202
Author: M#
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2008, 08, 21 01:38
Comments (7)
5's gas distance is 3.125grid.
11's gas distance is 3grid.
they show simmilar gathering time.
larvas in stars forbid 4x3 building.
(but not 2x2, 3x2 building)
You can build your 4x3 building after remove them.
you can build your command(nexus, hat) under the protoss temple(It just cover DIRT RECTANGLE PLACE. It's not real building). but you can't build cannon, bunker, colony, etc. modified by WatriXDoT
Very interesting. Looks very tight though, probably hard for protoss vs terran.
:O Someone make a new guide for how to place locationally balanced gases without gas issue using SCMDrafts ability to use a smaller than standard grid... and then test it...
Or not... I dunno, it'd be nice :)
+++ COOL MAP :D Very tight though :(
IF you place a geysir or min patch illegally, you won't be able to place a CC/Nex/hatch properly. It's fine for the initial starting location, but once you lose your cc, want to expand to such a place, or accidentially lift your CC (duh!), it gets problematic.
Ohh, that's a good point :( In fastest you can't build a comstat because the minerals are too close... Is it the same on a map like this? I guess it wouldn't be, since the gas above is just FURTHER, but it would seem to me a player could just lift his cc in the beginning and place it properly if that were the case... unless there were a mineral or something placed just so that that would be impossible.... aaah.
hmm.... actually... No, cause if it's just further away, you can't land any closer than you already are, so you should be able to lift off and land and any expo with this 3.125 squares distance thing. modified by PsychoTemplar
Yeah.. I tested, you can place it fine :P
larvas' size is 0กม0. they do nat block ground units. that's insteresting.
11's gas distance is 3grid.
they show simmilar gathering time.
larvas in stars forbid 4x3 building.
(but not 2x2, 3x2 building)
You can build your 4x3 building after remove them.
you can build your command(nexus, hat) under the protoss temple(It just cover DIRT RECTANGLE PLACE. It's not real building). but you can't build cannon, bunker, colony, etc.
modified by WatriXDoT
Or not... I dunno, it'd be nice :)
+++ COOL MAP :D Very tight though :(
IF you place a geysir or min patch illegally, you won't be able to place a CC/Nex/hatch properly. It's fine for the initial starting location, but once you lose your cc, want to expand to such a place, or accidentially lift your CC (duh!), it gets problematic.
hmm.... actually... No, cause if it's just further away, you can't land any closer than you already are, so you should be able to lift off and land and any expo with this 3.125 squares distance thing.
modified by PsychoTemplar