(3)Galun lati
Map ID: #3209

Author: NastyMarine
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 08, 24 11:12

Comments (17)
not finished. And i'll probably be redoing the map. The mineral onlies are missing wide ramps (Im just lazy) as well as all the other inverted ramps needed. Very wacky imo haha
modified by NastyMarine
but isan't there only 3 start locations not 4?
o shit your right. my mistake.

Changed it
Eh... Don't like it so much specially when it's not done :). Plz finish it and I'll give my opinion.
i like it
sorry i can't give anything really constructive

i guess make the cliff with the island less straight looking but otherwise
nasty why blue don't have ramp :D
Can the far ramp be 815 size?

imo the map won't work unless you really play around with the shapes and directions and stuff to get better symmetry / use the map space better. It's going to be very hard, so I wouldn't try finishing the map if you can't devote a LOT of time, if you want it to come out nicely. Think: Athena/Othello. It's shaping up to be very awkward/tight atm, I think re-doing it is the best solution, sorry =/

I definitely lol'd at the min only size differences and the differences in where you threw down the gas expos rofl ><

I can't really say if I like it or not at this point.

What's the map name mean btw?
hmm wouldent being the red start possion be kinda suckish cause of bad gas placment at the nat and expos around it? i'd give placement advangtage to teal and that bairly beats out blue. 3/10. Also blue start possion is way out of the middle of the map
modified by 3.mZ)Plague
I dont understand this. Red's ramp is very far away, and teal's very close and blue doesn't even have ramp.
inverted ramps not done lol xD
Use your imagination, Siabbo.
-beta: A map made by yourself that is not finished yet. Maybe the comments to the map help you improve it. (beta!=alpha, the map should already be playable)

I know what playable means here but this is not playable. Next im gonna just set strat locations and minerals and say, nothing done yet comments plz.

I wanna test it now, oh no, i cant, there's not ramp on blue.
modified by SiaBBo
When you win as many MOTWs as Nasty has, you're allowed to post alphas here and there.
now that makes me sound like an asshole

To be honest i mainly wanted to see what you guys though of the natural/backdoor concept. But I should have explained. Red is the most developed out of all the bases. So check there.

I am going to, like i said, redo this map. I know there are noticeable problems in symmetry. I think that its quite obv
I didn't mean to make you sound like an asshole, I'm just saying it doesn't really make a difference if one person posts an alpha, as long as it turns into a beta sometime soon, especially someone who has contributed to the site.