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(4) Along Came a Spider
Map ID: #3234
Author: 3.mZ)Plague
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2008, 09, 16 20:09
Comments (10)
Ok don't ask me why i named it Along came a Spider because it doesent look like a spider. This is my first 4 player map its mainly a ffa or 2v2 style of map than a 1v1. Lot of light things because i was going to name it The Lotus of Light but i dident know it i would of spelt it right. Middle of make there is a ring of minerals of 10 0r 40 minerals. Hope you enjoy my first 4 player map tell me what you think and how to make it better.
can you land things (particularly tanks) where the lights are?
No you cannot put anything on the lights not 1 think not tanks nothing.
Again, natural dont even protect main.
Expos are too close together.
tvp will be imbalanced as hell one way or another
Ok did some editing Along Came a Spider V 1.1. Things I did "SiaBBo
Again, natural dont even protect main."
I made it so ramp goes into the natural expo area. Still cannot land anything on light areas. Got Rid of 2 expos due to closeness, and pushed back the 4 min only expo's and up graded them with gas reason being to much in the way of battles and reduces room in middle.
For Anotak:
"tvp will be imbalanced as hell one way or another"
That was true because you could build any where i fixed that so you cannot build on the flagstone. That gave containment expo. and i moved back those expos i said for terran deffending issues. I played a test game and some things he said to do is to put destructable buildings in nat choke because its so wide, also to make building space in main base bigger which i did too.
isn't it "along came the rain"?
rofl :DD
I can't say that anything here is particularly good. You should make your next map more standard and we can try and be more helpful. I don't see why you're forcing players to deal with annoying things when it doesn't really help gameplay or balance at all.
Again, natural dont even protect main."
I made it so ramp goes into the natural expo area. Still cannot land anything on light areas. Got Rid of 2 expos due to closeness, and pushed back the 4 min only expo's and up graded them with gas reason being to much in the way of battles and reduces room in middle.
For Anotak:
"tvp will be imbalanced as hell one way or another"
That was true because you could build any where i fixed that so you cannot build on the flagstone. That gave containment expo. and i moved back those expos i said for terran deffending issues. I played a test game and some things he said to do is to put destructable buildings in nat choke because its so wide, also to make building space in main base bigger which i did too.