(4)Surface Tension
Map ID: #325

Author: Starparty
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2006, 08, 13 11:00

Comments (18)
This is one of my oldest maps, and it has proven time to time to be excelent in 2on2 battles. very easy concept and easy to learn.. uploading a 1v1 replay i played not too long ago :o
very classic approach. I don't really like the 3 O'clock choke, but overall it looks ok. That's exactly what I wanted, but as a map fanatic silver machine actually looks much more interesting to me;)
Great map.
Very balanced.

Have you gues entered the Blizzcon contest?
If we're going to have LT in the map pack, then why do we need a map like this? No offense to you SP, but this is a classic style because it plays exactly like LT ~_~
But its funnier cause its a bit smaller
abnd there is no islands so you get that cool lockdown in a balanced game where you have to use everything to win

that's not cool, that sucks. If there is a certain amount of terrans involved, it is whoever makes a move loses. Not good :(
Nah, it is at those times you really need to think a little.
I like it, it is classic style, and so you can play it without really knowing the map.

Anyway, it seems a bit pro T imo, because the ways are long and small, but in 2on2, well, i'm not sure about that, my last 2on2 was years ago...
Imo this map is imba. T seems to be unbeatbable. theres no room to flank him or sth if he pushes...
The middle is 2 small. T can contain u easy.
did you try this map? I have played it many times and never came to that conclusion...
Actually I feel the map is a bit con-terran... the expansions are to wide and goons run in and destroy everything :(

Not a single exp is holdable from main, piercing units always reach CC's without beeing hit from tanks...
maybe you just suck ^_^
kidding btw -_-
dont you know im loco? X_@
the dentist
obvious T>P on this map, probably P>Z too (so short).
surface tension.... you play too much half-life? :P
yeah easy to get contained, but in PvZ it could be a problem for P too

but it is a soooo-old map id:325 ^^