(2)Thunder Horse
Map ID: #3252

Author: Kinabear
Map Size: 128*128
Last Updated: 2013, 04, 22 23:42

Comments (14)
Edit: I'm going to play this map and upload it, so maybe I can give an example of what happens and what I intended to do. It is my first map however, so try to be nice :)
If anyone would like to point me in the direction of some 'examples', thats fine, but I stay away from it because the creative process becomes difficult without minimicking people if your study other objects in such a field of work.
I look forward to improving myself, though.
Hello people. This is my first submission to this website, which I decided to call 'Thunderhorse'
The basic layout is a U shaped middle to lower half, and originally I wanted to place a large inverted ramp on the inner part of the U but, I couldnt figure it out. So the remnants of a terran base made nice decoratation.
I believe Im accurate on base-size, location, and Im pretty sure its balanced. I wanted to encourage combat in the center, hence the odd position and low gas of the mains.
Feedback would be appreciated, and for the record, this is my first map Ive designed.

Im trying to save an imagine with SCMDraft. I cant figure out any other way to save a mini-picture. For now, I guess this will have to work:
Click on the enlarge, maybe that's the problem. I played on this map several times and it seemed to work out nicely.
modified by Kinabear
It appears Ive forgot to edit the blue players Gas. And me, being a newb, cant figure out how to edit my map.
if you protect your map..
1st: make a copy before you do that, so you can edit it any time
2nd: upload a picture, we can NOT watch your map ..
3rd: no need to protect the maps you upload here o,o
Click edit map on the side of the page. Insert 3252 as the map ID and the password you entered. Where's the natural? Terran Tank push would kill the Protoss because of the short distances and tight path. What's with all the straight lines? Make some space between the minerals and the edge of the map. Two entrances is generally considered very bad for balance.
I tried to upload a picture. I couldnt make it any smaller :(
The straight lines are for appearance. Hence the name 'Thunder Horse', it looks like a horse shoe.
And its a very large distance between the two bases.
Did you even play it?
And, thank you for the help. I thought I had to enter the map name, not the ID.
modified by Kinabear
Well, I would consider making this on the space tileset because straight lines look much better there. Even then I would advise you to just make it slightly uneven, I guess the distances are long (I just skimmed over the map) but a Tank push will still absolutely destroy.

Yeah, I thought I had to put the name in too when I posted my first maps here.
Where's the natural? And that minonly don't even have gas. 1 gas battle. :B
no natural, too tight, the top won't be used, ridiculous distances, to many straight lines, lack of expos and lack of resources

You should check out more experienced mapper's maps, like what i did when i first got here. We hace alot of good maps and mapmakers here, so please take advantage of this.
Also, a horseshoe doesn't have many straight lines, no straight lines in nature, what i learned in science and math.
maybe u should go learn how the game works become a decent mapper before u start uploading random maps that doesnt even need any comments to say its bad
Theres no need to be rude about it. It was just a concept I had in my mind; In fact I used the top in several matches, and I did well.
If you didnt notice, it was intended to be a gas battle.
To me, a tile set is a tile set. There are plenty of blizzard maps that take advantage of uniform looks and appearances. I choose Ice because it was pretty.
Im well aware a horse shoe isnt perfectly straight, but it was the best I could do for my first map that I put effort into, Jungle Terrain. If you want people to take your advice, dont be rude about it.

Thank you for the feedback though, neobowman. Maybe I'll remake it sometime, but until then I had a new idea for a map that I think I'll work on.
I wasn't trying to be rude, I apologize about that, but u will need to learn some basic things about map making, which is why you are here

Just try to take most of these comments as constructive criticism, and I welcome any new mappers to BWMN

Also, don't use Blizzard maps as an example, often enough they are imbalanced with not alot of good things about them.
modified by JungleTerrain
No problem Terrain, maybe I misunderstood your tone.
I didnt realize most blizzard maps were imbalanced, Position wise I think I got everything right.

I am aware of the straight line, and nature bit. Im more concerned about positional balance and game play issues moreso than the shapes in nature though. If you could give me some advice on those issues, I'd be greatly appreciative to hear about your experiance. Or provide me with some on-site links where I can download maps I should look at and play them.
I look forward to your response! Hopefully it will be before its too late today. I've got the day off and Im eager to start my new idea.
Copy and paste the web address on the bottom, or just press on the "Articles" button on the right column.

It should give you an idea on what the basics are, and what you can do to make your map more balanced, and much more.
