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(4)Nautilus 1.1
Map ID: #326
Author: Travin
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 10, 09 22:36
Comments (28)
You were asking for semi-islands so i uploaded this to the contets :]
red's and to a lesser extend blue's mainbases are just too small imo. Balancing looks much better than on NFZ. The number of expos is only acceptable in 2on2, too much for 1on1 imo.
agreed when i played this map 1v1 it took forever, so its mainly 2v2. and ill check it out with main sizes
I love this map. Seriously.
It's extremely balenced, it looks natural.
Balence and Natural Fluidity are the two things I really look for in a map. And this map has both, in the extremes.
Props to Travin.
Impressive island map. Great job.
WoW. This map is art.
Great island map. I really like the mineral "blocking" idea with mineral-only or gas expansion. I'd build a depot or somethign to slide my scv through the minerals to get to the geysir. that's always a nice trick ingame and comes in handy ^^
i'm really looking forward to see replays on this one!
Great map indeed. Just fix the problem at GMCS, and it's done.
Watch last replay, god it was an expeniceve one...
This is my favorite map to play on.
Beats any other map.
Good work!
--v mOsQ
i thinks it's bad map -.-
Just don't want play on it.
original map, nice
p.s. for mOsQ +1 clone comment
I'm S to the C ScoutWBF,your map is officially cloned!
just jokin.
Btw, the GMCS is still a mistake, that should be fixed...
an obs version and the BWMN logo on the pic would be nice
LGI or anyone else..just fix it. Travin is not active at the moment.
If i start tuching this map, my fingers will start automaticly add a lot of decoration! Because this map needs deco a lot! It would be really nice if Travin finish this by himself, because every map maker got a style, and i don't want to kill his style on this map...
Don't deco it LGI plz -_- Yeah better let him finish the map, I'm afraid you make it _as_hokus peakus and grape of wrath_ style deco :o
I am not that tasteless (i hope this is the right word) as you think :) . I make the deco in Grapes of Wrath and Hocus Peacus like that because of the simetry of the whole map... It's just fits. But here everything is natural, no simetry, etc... Deco like in my 2 maps won't be good for this map, so if i make the deco it would be diffrent. NATURAL DECO :D
Anyway i already said that i won't tuch the map :)
I fix the problem on the GMCS and i've made an obs version.
While we are still on the wave of "air-map-concept" see this pleace.
One of my favorite maps of all times, excellent!
Zerg die just with one gas. Terran map. Just lift cc to exps.
Oh please. Adding geysers hurts balance even more, even on island maps.
I mean he should add gas far away so you have to make new hatch there. Then it wouldn't be so unfair to zerg and adding some minerals too it would be good terran and protoss too.
who bumbed it?
travin is dead
I don't believe travin has visited this site in 3 years.
It's extremely balenced, it looks natural.
Balence and Natural Fluidity are the two things I really look for in a map. And this map has both, in the extremes.
Props to Travin.
Great island map. I really like the mineral "blocking" idea with mineral-only or gas expansion. I'd build a depot or somethign to slide my scv through the minerals to get to the geysir. that's always a nice trick ingame and comes in handy ^^
i'm really looking forward to see replays on this one!
Beats any other map.
Good work!
Just don't want play on it.
p.s. for mOsQ +1 clone comment
just jokin.
Anyway i already said that i won't tuch the map :)
travin is dead