(4)Loose Nut
Map ID: #3286

Author: Artanis
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 10, 13 02:18

Comments (14)
So, who remembers me?
I'm still as bad as always
modified by LaO-Artanis
I remember you.
:DDDDDDDDDDD pretty cool map !
who are you? you didn't make lolicat!
red has gas issue
muta harass is imba here, all expos don't have space behind them
modified by ProTosS4EveR
modified by ProTosS4EveR
Both bottom naturals have their choke tightened by the geysir, while the top ones don't have this issue. Why are the generators placed that way, anyways? (connected to the bottom cliff in all 4 cases)
I see no gas problem with red's main.
I placed the generators that way to ensure that terran can wall with a barracks and a depot on all 4 spots, I'm not sure if it is optimal but it should work.
Muta harrassment is a problem; kinda forgot about that. I'll look into how far I can move the minerals.
I guess I could move the geysers to the other side on the bottom two bases.
Hard natural.
Yeah, it's meant to be a huge problem to get your natural.
dot dot dot
Updates made.
Well, z fe on top pos is much harder than on bottom. On top, you can just walk by the nat, while on bottom, you at least have a chance to get a few sunken hits.
Ah, didn't think of that prob yet. The problem with the generators is that you can't wall in as terran if I put them at the top.
Anyone got a smart solution?
Use another building maybe? Why do they always have to be generators?
Because generators have a nice set blocking path that I know will block things if placed correctly and has low hp. Im not that familiar with other neutral buildings.