Map ID: #3299

Author: MorroW
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2008, 10, 25 01:42

Comments (9)
middle minerals and gas set 1000, all other 1500 5000

walling need 1rax

cliffable nat with creep colony

any comments or suggestions would be great :)
aren't blue and red mains tooooo small?
since 7 o'clock empty area is the largest (being 11 o'clock the smallest) you can place some unwalkable ground or make the teal wall (behing mineral fields) wider, so tanks won't hit your buildings.

why not high ground mains???? this looks too much like longinus :P

maybe you can remove the disruptor webs?
not only you wasted 3 corners, southern corners have too much wasted space! if you move the mal a little, red and blue mains will be able to be enlarged.

you could't figure how to make a triangle here =(
look, your middle is not a triangle, the teal 2 mineral fields gas expo is too close to blue's being red 2 fields gas expo it the very bottm almost at 12 o'clock :S

in a teal vs red match, teal is near to both middle gas expos, and it's near to blue nat (and main)

i like this map a lot! but i think it'll be better on jungle tile. because if the structure of the map, i hardly recomend you to use the 128x112 size, and make the southern main wider (like longinus southern main, it's very short and wideeee, and it's okay, there is no problem with longinus southern main) if you do this, then 7o'clock empty area can be reduced (because teal mian will be wider) and corners won't be that wasted. also, red and blue mineral fields at NAT can be attacked from the mains, but teal nat cannot! with an larger teal main this will be solved.
I really like that you're continuing experimental use of spells in maps, but I don't like this map. I dunno, it's probably just because it's a (3)map and you don't have as much practice in it, but this looks really sloppy/awkward. Your (4)maps are much nicer.
I mean, the map isn't bad by any means, it's fine, but definitely not iccup quality.
This concept would probably be better in a (4)map anyway I think, I dunno for sure though. Conceptually I do like the map.

Oh, I do like the creep colony. I usually don't like neutral creep colonies, but I think this works well, allows for a multi-purposeful drop cliff, but one that's unbuildable (for t/p), and allows proxy nydus play and stuff later in the game for zerg. I think it should play out interestingly.
modified by Nightmarjoo

yes, 3 player maps are really hard to do. so is 4player rotical mirrored maps.

well i did my best and im very proud of the outcome, i fully understand when u say this map is akward and not as playable as most my maps are.

u see what im proud of is that i managed to do a fairly mirrored 3 player map with an interesting and not too imbalanced concept.

i made forum at ggnet this map ppl says gj but i trust your opinion more since i know your knoledge. tho after reading ur opinion i still think this is a v good map.

Pretty hard muta harras don't you think?
Natural to min only is really short way. This could be a problem in PvT, PvZ and maybe TvZ. I don't just say min only is little small but it could be bigger.

It's interesting.
I don't post maps on gg.net anymore, if they comment at all it's not helpful. If I post a map outside of bwm, I post on tl. gg.net people on average are not very smart. Also they are so unspecific that they could be talking about anything; when they say "good job it looks good" you don't know what they're talking about, they might've just looked at it and saw mains and nats and said good map.

The map is ok. I didn't address the balance or concept at all, which is probably fine. I basically was addressing the execution/layout of the map, which isn't as good as your maps usually are now. Sometimes I think that execution is more important than balance. Many pro-maps have horrible balance, but they are still playable because they have such good execution. At the same time many bwm maps have had great concepts and were probably very fun and balanced, but their poor execution made them less fun. That being said, this map still has decent execution, but not good enough execution that I'd use it in a tourney for example, and not good enough for tsl2 or iccup, which is what I want to put our maps in.
its always fun to hear ppl saying the map is good :)
its also fun that ppl look at the map and some even play the map.

siabbo i think the expansions will be fine since they r fimiliar to longinus actually ^^
Well min only is easier to defend than longinus'
yes ofcourse