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(0)Space Ramp2
Map ID: #3304
Author: MorroW
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2008, 10, 29 20:38
Comments (12)
i am gonna start use this ramp instead of other. actually i think they look better and also r much easier to see if marine gonna hit zea or just stand and miss all the time even if they r both on the ramp t.t
also the reverse ramps are more equal to width than the normal reverse ramps compared to the normal ramps. they were much tighter than the non reverse ones.
also old space ramp map had alots of misstiles of unwalkable stuff and missing corners etc.
very nice i like it, but picture could be bigger hm?
bigger now ,9
heyyy i opened your file in my scmdraft and zerglings looked like "old starcraft zerglings"
but when i killed one of the zergligns, the rest of zerglings in my screen turn into "new starcraft zerglings"
is there something i don't know????
hmm i dont understand, i just put normal zerglings
i don't understand what pened, the zergling were outdated :( but when i delete one (and the death animation appears) the zergligns that fit in the screen turn into a starcraft broodwar zerglings, but the others are still the same
These looks ugly. :)
Nice space ramps man. maybe need adjustments on those tights.
what tights , what does that mean? u mean the width?
I mean the width.
arent gonna get any better than that
the normal space ramps to the proleague reverse ramps are very unequal also there r high ground where there shouldnt low where there shoulndt. causing a marine to attack a probe on the ramp but still missing many attacks...
also the reverse ramps are more equal to width than the normal reverse ramps compared to the normal ramps. they were much tighter than the non reverse ones.
also old space ramp map had alots of misstiles of unwalkable stuff and missing corners etc.
but when i killed one of the zergligns, the rest of zerglings in my screen turn into "new starcraft zerglings"
is there something i don't know????
the normal space ramps to the proleague reverse ramps are very unequal also there r high ground where there shouldnt low where there shoulndt. causing a marine to attack a probe on the ramp but still missing many attacks...