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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #334
Author: Travin
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2009, 06, 16 16:14
Comments (20)
My blizzcon map #2
There is already a blizzard map named crusader.(space tileset) Didn't you know that?^_^;
The map looks really nice, I like it.
Imo you should think about adding 1-2 expos that are central, so that there is something to fight for and a reason to gain mapcontrol in 2on2.
I posted my proposition for possible expansions in the GMCS.
hmmm isnt 4 more expos a bit 2 much tho? :o
maybe 4-5minerals min onlies and 1-gas gas only expands. They don't make a money map out of it, but the middle gets more importance imo.
the thing that keeps me from doing it (for now) is that i fear that 3' and 9' will have a real easy job to secure 4 expos
fixed some bugs that allowed terran to abuse spots around mains and expos with tanks
also changed some of the cliffs near expos to be more equal
additional bugfixes
Interesting what maps are out of sight sometimes. haven't noticed this map till the BlizzCon. Looks good, a bit like Azalea with bridges, which is not bad at all, and it looks more offensive than azalea, faster.
i like it. one of you best maps so far.
While watching this map i remember the comments from (4)Wizzy Noise. You say that there for zerg is hard the FE. And here? Is it more easier? And then again it comes something like "you are not that good level of map making" huh...
I didnt complain? :P wizzy noise is easy to 3hatch exp. however you might wanna reward that with a gas in the 1nat. Might be that which they are hanging up on.
Much is case-to-case though. YOu cant compare it like that.
I ask for changing the gas stations in the expand, no one answer me... It doesn't matter anymore. But if you look this map closer, you may notice that here is the same deal with the gas expand and the mineral... AGAIN!
P.S. I won't compare to anyway, i don't care anymore.
In every community you just have to got the "big name" and some contacts, thats all. This is how the world accept everything. I am sure that if i name my next map to an author like Travin or some1 else, the comments will be diffrent.
P.S. I like this map :)
this should be very hard as zerg in ZvT, though...
in zvp, well i guess you'll have to go 3hatch or something, dunno that, i'm no z :D
LGI, why are you that "fast" on your conclusions? Look at this map, it also lacks of a FE possibility to cover the choke as yours, absolutely right. I don't like that here either. But it's also playable, and the distance is larger from base to base than on your map, so Zerg can easier expand in front of their choke.
Also, in theory, you can go FE on the minonly, put there 2 sunks, and cover the small bridge with lings. on your map, it isn't that "easy" to fast expand. So the FE possibilities for a Zerg are better here than on your map. Except you go 3 hath, than both are the same.
Maybe you should try to compare your maps to others, and don't try to look for a "favourite author" of someone. I don't have any, except myself. Here are so many different maps, and every author created a good map, some great maps, and some bad maps imo. Noone is flawless and for that, i don't care about the author. Well, i do care, and authors who made graet maps already get worse critics for bad maps than others, just because we see that they can do better.
Just take my MOTW comment to Artillery of sun as an example, and you see how thigs work. Great map, still i expect more from Spitfire.
Try to be fair and not so post strange stuff like that. If you don't want to get REAL comments to your map, then you may be wrong here. I comment on every flaw i see, that's how it is supposed to be. If you think you get more critics than someone else, maybe you make more mistakes than someone else, ever thought about that? :/
sorry, im really pissed atm. Don't want to sound to harsh. It's just like, everyone has HIS OWN opinion and HIS OWN ideas of HOW HE WOULD create a map, and thats what we bring together to improve every map of every mapper. :/
Also dont compare us with pgtour mapforum because in those forums every one will say a map is good no matter what it looks or plays like.
(on the other hand Teamliquid hates a map no matter if its good or not)
you forgot "44" on this one btw :)
played it with clanallies.
noone of them had really a clue of the map, so I even went for rnd :o
short game, but well, it's a game :)
they complained a bit about "strange ways"
reminds me alot like luna except for the high ground areas between expos and low ground mains. overall good map but all the positions (clock positions are same with luna). but then again it is very well decorated and wen u think about it .. it doesnt compare hence i think this is better... good work on this. I'd like to see mins only in center of the map tho so there is reason to fight for mid.. more action is always great!... anyways good map
The map looks really nice, I like it.
Imo you should think about adding 1-2 expos that are central, so that there is something to fight for and a reason to gain mapcontrol in 2on2.
fixed some bugs that allowed terran to abuse spots around mains and expos with tanks
also changed some of the cliffs near expos to be more equal
i like it. one of you best maps so far.
Much is case-to-case though. YOu cant compare it like that.
P.S. I won't compare to anyway, i don't care anymore.
in zvp, well i guess you'll have to go 3hatch or something, dunno that, i'm no z :D
LGI, why are you that "fast" on your conclusions? Look at this map, it also lacks of a FE possibility to cover the choke as yours, absolutely right. I don't like that here either. But it's also playable, and the distance is larger from base to base than on your map, so Zerg can easier expand in front of their choke.
Also, in theory, you can go FE on the minonly, put there 2 sunks, and cover the small bridge with lings. on your map, it isn't that "easy" to fast expand. So the FE possibilities for a Zerg are better here than on your map. Except you go 3 hath, than both are the same.
Maybe you should try to compare your maps to others, and don't try to look for a "favourite author" of someone. I don't have any, except myself. Here are so many different maps, and every author created a good map, some great maps, and some bad maps imo. Noone is flawless and for that, i don't care about the author. Well, i do care, and authors who made graet maps already get worse critics for bad maps than others, just because we see that they can do better.
Just take my MOTW comment to Artillery of sun as an example, and you see how thigs work. Great map, still i expect more from Spitfire.
Try to be fair and not so post strange stuff like that. If you don't want to get REAL comments to your map, then you may be wrong here. I comment on every flaw i see, that's how it is supposed to be. If you think you get more critics than someone else, maybe you make more mistakes than someone else, ever thought about that? :/
sorry, im really pissed atm. Don't want to sound to harsh. It's just like, everyone has HIS OWN opinion and HIS OWN ideas of HOW HE WOULD create a map, and thats what we bring together to improve every map of every mapper. :/
(on the other hand Teamliquid hates a map no matter if its good or not)
noone of them had really a clue of the map, so I even went for rnd :o
short game, but well, it's a game :)
they complained a bit about "strange ways"