(4)HyperCube 1.3
Map ID: #3353

Author: jamssi
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2008, 11, 27 19:54

Comments (21)
Nothing special to say.
Comment please.
As you know. Natural not defend ramp. (I think.)

Third gas is too hard. If you put gas to minonly it maybe make map turtle, and then move minonly somewhere.

I don't know.
I tried to think some space for the 3rd gas, but I don't know where to put it.

And I don't like the idea to put gas to minonly.
looks nice
I don't think it is a good idea, but you have to add gas expo there.
I'd add gas to the minonlies, open up the choke there and try to squeeze a minonly somewhere below the main/nat.
nvm now
modified by ProTosS4EveR
I added new minonlys and edit center.
I think it's badly placed.
rotical imbalance


move blues start pos up with 1 hex

gj on symmetry

make middle unbuildable
This gas thing is a problem. Terran can just tank it on those mains. And it's too easy gas, i think. I can't now cuz i haven't played this but i think.
You should move gas expo somewhere else.

You should post this map on teamliquid.net and gosugamers.net
nastymarine doesnt see balance issues
Nasty hasn't seen anything besides the pretty picture in maps for a year or more now.

Pathing is linear, so your expo layout becomes very turtley, on top of there being obvious rotational symmetry imbalances with the gas expos being untakeable if your opponent happens to be next to yours. That's not a feature, or positional variety, or something interesting for gameplay, it's just an imbalance.

The bottom tile is unwalkable, so Blue's sl's minerals cannot be walked around, while you can at every other position.

The middle and smaller middles (between the min only and 3rd gas) are just a bunch of wasted space. Pathing is so linear there that you might as well make it tighter, and it wouldn't change anything, so all that space you put into making it open doesn't matter since you made it linear lol. You should remove the space holes in the middle, they're a big part of what makes the map so linear, and you should do something interesting with a highground complex of ramps and stuff, possibly with the min only cliffable against it or something.

The concept isn't terribly interesting either. Highground nat which isn't covered by the nat choke, but the nat choke is small so workers alone can cover it... it just makes the map hyper-turtley. You basically cannot open anything but FE, because it'll just put you behind. Map is thus turtley and strategically limited. The neutrals can be repaired if your enemy tries to attack them (and if you're terran), and you can easily shoot over them anyway, so they don't add much to the map, since there'll never be a scenario where you need to leave your base but cannot do so with the smaller nat ramp.
modified by Nightmarjoo
Nightmarjoo, looks like u hate jamssi?

"Admittedly Jamssi's Thin Skin v3.0 claimed 3rd place by obtaining the third highest amount of votes, less than half of 1st place and barely over half of 2nd place lulz. I usually lie and make the 3rd place map seem a lot better than it usually is, but this map/author in my humble opinion doesn't deserve that. It's kind of a terrible map compared to most motm 3rd places, and is just an average map among bad and average maps at this site. Also, my input on the map was ignored, so fuck him and fuck this shitty map.

And now to this map:

You obviously are a stupid mapper and didn't test the map one bit, because if you were a halfway smart mapper you'd know that the bottom tile is unwalkable, so Blue's sl's minerals cannot be walked around, while you can at every other position, something you'd have noticed too if you opened the map once in starcraft lol.
I switched minonly's and expo´s places.
Oh sorry that came out harsher than I intended, I'll edit it lol.

Yeah wow that was too much, sorry. I must've been in a bad mood when I wrote that.
modified by Nightmarjoo
haha yea. when u get started u just keep going, u just gotta hit him at the nose to make him stop ^^
I think this is pretty good map.
Well, the map forces you to fast expand and the third gas is a bit easy to get.

Well I dont know. I can give it a try.
It's kinda open so i think it's not that easy.