(2)Mirror's Edge
Map ID: #3356

Author: Joto
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2008, 11, 25 22:47

Comments (8)
Okay, this was an experimental idea, after being away from map making for several months. I got inspired by watching the Classic Tourney.

Some map details/bugs/known problems;
Transfer from main to bottom corner expos is impossible unless you destroy the warpgate.(workers get stuck)
-Two temples in center, stacked, paired with mineral patches(12 each) making center slightly harder to navigate early game, until it's mined out/destroyed.
-Minerals on mini-high ground in center are (1) each patch.
-Scouting takes some micro. Worker will try to use the middle path if you don't first move it down to your nat, then move towards opponent's main.
-Middle path has 2 (500) mineral patches blocking it. This area can be pylon/worker glitched across for an interesting proxy gateway/barracks build. (can upload replay of examples..)
-Bottom 'island' expo is in range of tanks, dragoons, lurkers, and hydras. Debating whether or not to sacrifice movement space down there to make it unsiegeable.
-Main focus of this map was for more creative play, promotion of proxies, and creative flanking strats.

I'd like to fix the main->Bottom expansion problem, if someone has suggestions.
Too small.
Too tight.
Too small and tight.
too big and open xD
pathing issue
too much experimental
Anything else...?
start with opening it up a bit and we can go from there