(2)Your Turn0.2
Map ID: #3365

Author: Ag-Toss
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2008, 11, 28 22:23

Comments (8)
here is my version 2!! Ag-Tossİ
It is possible to update the mapfile in your thread if you do not wish to create a complete new entry. If the map in question only had minor modifications it is usually a better idea since double posting is spam.

This map is totally different however. You should rename it to minimize confusion.
modified by Starparty
Capn Awesom
Waaaaaay too much min, look at pro maps for the average amount that should be placed at each base.
Right now it seems to favor terran with how tight it is, as well as terran being able to take their island with no trouble. Try making it a little less tight on the sides as well as just above and below the middle.
Also, randomize the minerals and add other deco.
It seems like an interesting concept though.
o yea forgot to add that the mineral block is 24 (I think) and for bases that are above/below non-ramp bases have a tiny space workers can fit through
your clearly thinking out your ideas more, this map has great potential. I think you just have to think in terms of attack as well, mixing up vulnerabilities.
As Capn said, you have too many mineral chunks at each site. I realy like the paths, though some are a little tight, a 4 way split outside of the natural gives players lots of options, I think you could expand on that by giving them a choice in types of expantions they can take, the small choke expansions are great, if you switch 2 of them to another idea you could give more chices for builds that dont fair well with that type.

The raised ground islands are big, the space would probably be needed looking at the size of your mains, but a terran can fly a command center up there super early, knowing he can build very safely there early game.
I can see a great layout for this map, but I think you might be avoiding ramps.
modified by Woedin
http://www.panschk.de/mappage/(4)Jungle%20Story(n).jpg SAME MAP
may be a little but they are different at least that jungle story is (4)
Yeah, this is jungle story with (2)

Well, it's not perfectly it but same features.
modified by SiaBBo