(4)Tassadars Lookout
Map ID: #3392

Author: CocoumTG
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2008, 12, 26 12:31

Comments (4)
Map that I worked on while I didn't have internets. Deco unfinished. Advice?
Every time if there is 2 minonlys it's bad. Don't make 2 gas there. Add 3rd gas somewhere.
How about gas at all but the high grounds in the middle? Maybe make highs 9patch? Rework/remove the 5patch bases?

How about a ramp with mins on it at the backs of the mains leading to a gas+7 expo where the 2 5patch bases are on either side of the map? Block it off from the rest of the map.
modified by CocoumTG
Turned double gas expo and first min only into normal multis.