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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #3417
Author: Nightmarjoo
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2008, 12, 26 23:26
Comments (26)
Empathy (ver 1.2c)
Empathy is a shared-mains 2v2 map. While playable in melee mode, you can only best play the map in ums mode where you can decide which team you are on (the first team being the southern base, second being the northern (player 1 is bottom left, 2 is bottom right, 3 is top left, 4 is top right, always)). While not having anything drastically different from any normal map, it should play quite differently at the same time.
In your mains you share a total of three geysers with your ally (unless you're playing in melee, in which case you might be sharing three geysers with your opponent, yikes!), which gives you the option of divvying up the geysers however which way you want, should it be one player with 2 and the other 1 geyser, or even give all three geysers to one player if you should so desire.
You have 10 mineral blocks total, however one block has only 244 minerals.
Outside of your main you have a min only, which zergs may choose to take with their 2nd hatch if they feel they and their partner can defend it. 7 additional blocks can be a nice way to go into the game, though it lacks a tight choke.
From your main on the sides are two ramps. One is small like that of 815, and the other is normal sized by is blocked by 4 0-value mineral blocks. If you follow the lowground path to your enemy, your 815 ramp leads to his mineral blocked ramp, and your mineral blocked ramp to his 815 ramp. Near you along the mineral blocked path is an 8 mineral gas expo which has a cliff behind it. It is near both a large ramp leading from the middle and your mineral blocked ramp, which if you choose to mine out can make it easy to defend this base, however it will be harassable from the cliff behind it. The 8 mineral gas expo along the 815 ramp is somewhat safer, with no cliff, but it will be harder to get your large units to it as they must head through the middle first (or maybe glitch them down the ramp).
In the very center is an expo reminiscent of the Andromeda center expo. Plenty of building space on both sides of it, along with 2 geysers and 12 total minerals allows players to choose whether one player takes all, or if allies share it; and as the only 4th source of gas and 5th of minerals in the map along with its amount of resources, it is precious, and yet it can be quite vulnerable even for the leading team. This expo may force some king of the hill type play.
All in all, the map emphasizes using multiple paths and stresses mobility. It's easy to attack throughout the map, and hard to defend, great teamwork is required to best use the map's features.
LOL. Weird but still pretty cool. modified by SiaBBo
Ya I think macro war here would be really weird. And would be T>P because its hard to flank here. Unless you use the ramps of course.
it will make different 2v2 games.and again you copied the andromeda.
andromeda copy? thats like the most random comment today :P
lol the thing in the center is the Andromeda expo. I did copy it.
btw on the backdoor ramp the min block is 4 0-value minerals. Testing will show if it should be more or less.
i learned how to shut the fuck up modified by testbug
Don't be a dumbass, it's for 2v2 only, it's not going to play like a normal 1v1 map. Also, with the many ramps/paths there's an emphasis on mobility, which is going to hurt terran mech, which is the only thing "tightness" strengthens.
the mains are awkward the natural is awkward, narrow pathing means T > all. Cliffable expo's generic map. The map screams, been done before. Please try and fix it I just want the best for you! modified by XeLious
Wow you're retarded, if you're going to attempt to copy me atleast learn what you're talking about first rofl.
Narrow pathing? Pathing isn't something which can be narrow. It can be linear, but this map doesn't have linear pathing because of the emphasis put on the sides, mobility, and using the many paths.
Cliffable expos (note: only one expo per player) just adds an element of harassability, which generally improves a map by adding strategic variance, giving the players more options.
Map is unique don't be a moron.
I hate feeding trolls, I'm ipbanning you, please don't come back.
lol i go away for a few days and miss all the fun of somebody freaking out for no reason lol :(
i like your main gas / min setup for team play looks like it would be pretty fun
i like all the expos and whatnot and the layout but i think i find the andero center expansion more appealing than the one you have now lol
I didn't pick it, just following orders lol.
very bad for beeing 2v2 allied map. there are so few so it shouldnt even be hard making a decent one. and this one just looks cramped and boring buuu nightmarjo u can do better than this :P
Oh please. If there are so few 2v2 allied maps out there, then you have essentially nothing to compare it to, and thus the relative term "very bad" makes little sense. Also, let's see you make a better 2v2 shared mains map since you seem to know better than me.
"Cramped and boring" doesn't make sense from the few games I've gotten on the map, on top of what my theory-craft sense tells me. It's a hightly mobile map which trilinear main pathing, along with main pathing lines going between the three main paths. That is by defintion, non-linear. Hard to make a non-linear cramped map, especially in 2v2. Bare in mind, the players aren't going to moving out with maxed armies, they're going to be busy playing out smaller more micro-oriented battles all over the map: defending and attacking the three paths, attempting to secure bases despite the multitude of paths, etc.
The only place the map is "cramped" in, is in the very center. However, if it was not tighter there, there would be no reason to use the side paths aside from expoing, and, it would be too easy to attack the center expo.
Alternatively, should I actually be completely wrong about the map, and despite it being plentiful in paths and entrances, and being unlike any other map ever, should it actually be "cramped and boring", which is possible simply because I have a lack of 2v2 shared main experience both in mapping and playing, with not a lot relatively of normal 2v2 map experience either, you can easily prove to me this by playing the map and showing atleast 1 replay on it and/or making a much better 2v2 shared main map.
Also, please change your msn password, I'm tired of getting spam messages from your msn while it says you're offline.
Any moron can compliment his own map, fact is T > all on this map, and last time I checked, Cliffable expo's was T rigged..
Narrow Pathways also T rigged, sorry but you dont call a map twice as open as yours T rigged and not get the same response. Controlling a large army looks near impossible, unless you are Terran of course. Otherwise your units will be very hard to keep from bunching up.
But I guess giving my opinion deserves an IP ban.
Or maybe someone just can't take constructive cristism and only knows how to dish it. modified by XeLious
XeLious this is a 2v2 map
ill try ffa
Xelious the problem is, not only are you wrong, you don't listen to when people try to correct you. You sound more like a troll than a moron to me, so unless you actually want me to reply to your retarded posts, I'm not going to. Continue flaming in every comment, and I'm going to ipban you.
p4ever good luck lol
Then dont comment on my map, if you dont want critisism, but its somehow flaming you???
theres nothing retarded about my poin t.
You clearly cannot take critisism that isn't all good. But you dish out bad critisism on everyone elses maps as if you are a freaking all wise map making supreme artist. Wow i don't think so and sue me for my opinion.
Yes flame = a persons opinion, when its not all j0olly jelly beans and candy. YEAH RIGHT! ITS CALLED AN OPINION, DONT POST YOUR MAPS IF YOU DONT WANT THEM CRITIQUED modified by XeLious modified by XeLious
Jesus christ your post is retarded because it's wrong, and you are stupid. I already tried specifically explaining why you're wrong, but all you say is "no I'm right".
Your map is terrible, you are fucking stupid. I'm censoring your posts because they are of very low quality, and have no redeeming value. Not only are they incorrect, they're poorly written and of rude manner. If you want your posts not censored, learn how to post correctly.
This has nothing to do with the fact that you're criticizing the map which happens to belong to me, it's that your posts are terrible and there's no reason to let it slide (you haven't proven yourself a useful member, a competent gamer or a competent mapper).
Also, I played your stupid map in a play/obs game before I commented it, whereas you apparently have never opened this map in scmdraft, let alone starcraft.
"Any moron can compliment his own map, fact is T > all on this map, and last time I checked, Cliffable expo's was T rigged.."
cliffable expos are not t rigged, not even cliffable naturals in 1v1 maps (see othello), and you aren't FEing in this map (because it's a 2v2 map (and you can expo elsewhere anyway, it's not the natural first expansion necessarily)).
"fact is t > all on this map" that's just wrong, this map stresses mobility, which hurts terran. Tightness doesn't even automatically favour terran, it's usually linearity which favours terran not tightness, and this map is not linear (it stresses mobility).
"Narrow Pathways also T rigged, sorry but you dont call a map twice as open as yours T rigged and not get the same response. Controlling a large army looks near impossible, unless you are Terran of course. Otherwise your units will be very hard to keep from bunching up"
Your map is a 1v1 map which encourage heavy macro play, that alone would make all the difference, but there's even more making you wrong. The map is not as tight as you claim, and the many paths make moving around pretty easy. You aren't maxing out and pushing towards your opponent on this map, not only is it a 2v2 map (2v2 games are by nature low eco), it's a micro-oriented map, which heavily encourages and supports more aggressive small/multiple battles all over the map instead of heavy macro play with near maxed armies clashing in the middle. You wouldn't even play like that in most 2v2 games on say python or luna, which are both heavy macro maps. This is a micro-oriented 2v2 map, the rules are completely different. Also, if you opened up the map once you'd see that the map is not so tight so as to impede control/movement.
"But I guess giving my opinion deserves an IP ban.
Or maybe someone just can't take constructive cristism and only knows how to dish it"
Your horrible quality posts and bad manner deserve an ip ban.
Your criticism is far from constructive. Constructive criticism is pointing out what you think is bad about the map, explaining why, and explaining what you would do to fix it. You're just making wildly incorrect claims about my map and insisting you're correct without any support or proof whatsoever. Basically, you're trolling.
XeLious chill just chill lol leave it alone and go work on a new super awesome map dude just chill
Empathy is a shared-mains 2v2 map. While playable in melee mode, you can only best play the map in ums mode where you can decide which team you are on (the first team being the southern base, second being the northern (player 1 is bottom left, 2 is bottom right, 3 is top left, 4 is top right, always)). While not having anything drastically different from any normal map, it should play quite differently at the same time.
In your mains you share a total of three geysers with your ally (unless you're playing in melee, in which case you might be sharing three geysers with your opponent, yikes!), which gives you the option of divvying up the geysers however which way you want, should it be one player with 2 and the other 1 geyser, or even give all three geysers to one player if you should so desire.
You have 10 mineral blocks total, however one block has only 244 minerals.
Outside of your main you have a min only, which zergs may choose to take with their 2nd hatch if they feel they and their partner can defend it. 7 additional blocks can be a nice way to go into the game, though it lacks a tight choke.
From your main on the sides are two ramps. One is small like that of 815, and the other is normal sized by is blocked by 4 0-value mineral blocks. If you follow the lowground path to your enemy, your 815 ramp leads to his mineral blocked ramp, and your mineral blocked ramp to his 815 ramp. Near you along the mineral blocked path is an 8 mineral gas expo which has a cliff behind it. It is near both a large ramp leading from the middle and your mineral blocked ramp, which if you choose to mine out can make it easy to defend this base, however it will be harassable from the cliff behind it. The 8 mineral gas expo along the 815 ramp is somewhat safer, with no cliff, but it will be harder to get your large units to it as they must head through the middle first (or maybe glitch them down the ramp).
In the very center is an expo reminiscent of the Andromeda center expo. Plenty of building space on both sides of it, along with 2 geysers and 12 total minerals allows players to choose whether one player takes all, or if allies share it; and as the only 4th source of gas and 5th of minerals in the map along with its amount of resources, it is precious, and yet it can be quite vulnerable even for the leading team. This expo may force some king of the hill type play.
All in all, the map emphasizes using multiple paths and stresses mobility. It's easy to attack throughout the map, and hard to defend, great teamwork is required to best use the map's features.
modified by Nightmarjoo
modified by SiaBBo
btw on the backdoor ramp the min block is 4 0-value minerals. Testing will show if it should be more or less.
i learned how to shut the fuck up
modified by testbug
edit: LOL Testbug!
modified by Nightmarjoo
modified by Nightmarjoo
modified by XeLious
Narrow pathing? Pathing isn't something which can be narrow. It can be linear, but this map doesn't have linear pathing because of the emphasis put on the sides, mobility, and using the many paths.
Cliffable expos (note: only one expo per player) just adds an element of harassability, which generally improves a map by adding strategic variance, giving the players more options.
Map is unique don't be a moron.
I hate feeding trolls, I'm ipbanning you, please don't come back.
i like your main gas / min setup for team play looks like it would be pretty fun
i like all the expos and whatnot and the layout but i think i find the andero center expansion more appealing than the one you have now lol
"Cramped and boring" doesn't make sense from the few games I've gotten on the map, on top of what my theory-craft sense tells me. It's a hightly mobile map which trilinear main pathing, along with main pathing lines going between the three main paths. That is by defintion, non-linear. Hard to make a non-linear cramped map, especially in 2v2. Bare in mind, the players aren't going to moving out with maxed armies, they're going to be busy playing out smaller more micro-oriented battles all over the map: defending and attacking the three paths, attempting to secure bases despite the multitude of paths, etc.
The only place the map is "cramped" in, is in the very center. However, if it was not tighter there, there would be no reason to use the side paths aside from expoing, and, it would be too easy to attack the center expo.
Alternatively, should I actually be completely wrong about the map, and despite it being plentiful in paths and entrances, and being unlike any other map ever, should it actually be "cramped and boring", which is possible simply because I have a lack of 2v2 shared main experience both in mapping and playing, with not a lot relatively of normal 2v2 map experience either, you can easily prove to me this by playing the map and showing atleast 1 replay on it and/or making a much better 2v2 shared main map.
Also, please change your msn password, I'm tired of getting spam messages from your msn while it says you're offline.
Narrow Pathways also T rigged, sorry but you dont call a map twice as open as yours T rigged and not get the same response. Controlling a large army looks near impossible, unless you are Terran of course. Otherwise your units will be very hard to keep from bunching up.
But I guess giving my opinion deserves an IP ban.
Or maybe someone just can't take constructive cristism and only knows how to dish it.
modified by XeLious
p4ever good luck lol
theres nothing retarded about my poin t.
You clearly cannot take critisism that isn't all good. But you dish out bad critisism on everyone elses maps as if you are a freaking all wise map making supreme artist. Wow i don't think so and sue me for my opinion.
Yes flame = a persons opinion, when its not all j0olly jelly beans and candy. YEAH RIGHT! ITS CALLED AN OPINION, DONT POST YOUR MAPS IF YOU DONT WANT THEM CRITIQUED
modified by XeLious
modified by XeLious
Your map is terrible, you are fucking stupid. I'm censoring your posts because they are of very low quality, and have no redeeming value. Not only are they incorrect, they're poorly written and of rude manner. If you want your posts not censored, learn how to post correctly.
This has nothing to do with the fact that you're criticizing the map which happens to belong to me, it's that your posts are terrible and there's no reason to let it slide (you haven't proven yourself a useful member, a competent gamer or a competent mapper).
cliffable expos are not t rigged, not even cliffable naturals in 1v1 maps (see othello), and you aren't FEing in this map (because it's a 2v2 map (and you can expo elsewhere anyway, it's not the natural first expansion necessarily)).
"fact is t > all on this map" that's just wrong, this map stresses mobility, which hurts terran. Tightness doesn't even automatically favour terran, it's usually linearity which favours terran not tightness, and this map is not linear (it stresses mobility).
"Narrow Pathways also T rigged, sorry but you dont call a map twice as open as yours T rigged and not get the same response. Controlling a large army looks near impossible, unless you are Terran of course. Otherwise your units will be very hard to keep from bunching up"
Your map is a 1v1 map which encourage heavy macro play, that alone would make all the difference, but there's even more making you wrong. The map is not as tight as you claim, and the many paths make moving around pretty easy. You aren't maxing out and pushing towards your opponent on this map, not only is it a 2v2 map (2v2 games are by nature low eco), it's a micro-oriented map, which heavily encourages and supports more aggressive small/multiple battles all over the map instead of heavy macro play with near maxed armies clashing in the middle. You wouldn't even play like that in most 2v2 games on say python or luna, which are both heavy macro maps. This is a micro-oriented 2v2 map, the rules are completely different. Also, if you opened up the map once you'd see that the map is not so tight so as to impede control/movement.
"But I guess giving my opinion deserves an IP ban.
Or maybe someone just can't take constructive cristism and only knows how to dish it"
Your horrible quality posts and bad manner deserve an ip ban.
Your criticism is far from constructive. Constructive criticism is pointing out what you think is bad about the map, explaining why, and explaining what you would do to fix it. You're just making wildly incorrect claims about my map and insisting you're correct without any support or proof whatsoever. Basically, you're trolling.