How to make larvae spawn at the bottom right corner
Worker pathing guide - How to debug and balance resour
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Altering Worker Position
A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #3451
Author: ProTosS4EveR
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2009, 07, 02 22:58
Comments (32)
I am in hot sweaty love with this map.
testbuggy ramp :D:D:D
testbug! :)
you need to remove the structures in the center triangle.
otherwise great!
is it rly testbug :?
I don't think so.
Its either Tustbeg or a korean. ;O
lol guys trust me its him
I think korean.
I bet 5 fake invisible internet dollars that it's Testbug.
NO IT'S ME!!!!!1!1!11
... not realy, i think it's testbug.
But ptar can't make a map that isn't 96 in one of its dimensions. =/
ok.. i trust cracky and i say it's Testbug's map :D:D:D
i made this map
shut up p4e its testbugs
prove it
The mineral formations aren't unuseably bad, can't be p4ver.
you see? i changed the author
testbugmap fuck u
okay island 100% tested, terran cannot liftoff a commant center at islands. zerg can use overlord to jump the zerg eggs, and kill the spider mines.
terran can use a lifted barrax for vision, and protoss will have shuttles/observrs vs terran and corsairs vs zerg to grab the island.
added a cell prision at nat cliff so protoss will be safer FEing vs hydralisks, but i'm not sure if the backdoor needs to be closed with a mineral field...
ZvT is okay, because of the island gass and opened middle, but PvZ seems to be a problem because of the open middle, i guess protoss ausin the islands will be enough.
what do you think?? modified by Testbug
Most significant problem is that it is ugly as hell. Once one leaves the main one gets lost in oversized chunks of monotonous terrain...
Could also have more expos, maybe in the sandpits...
it's supposed to be a dessert where you can get lost :( like dessert collosus behind gerudo's fortress
It's supposed to be a dessert? Really?
I guess the triangle in the middle is made of mousse au chocolat?
Then "Bon appetit, monsieur!"
how do you maked the eggs visible :(
he places them
(unit sprites)
the center compound ramps are ridicolously imbalanced. 3 can cover his easy while the other 2 locs need to build half the centre to cover theirs.
i was just gonna say u must have unbuildable sunken ground and u made that before i had to tell u, thats good
dont like the spider mines
dont like the neutral eggs
but i agree that u need some kind of blockade of the backdoor
the enterance of the natural got different width at all locations
the deco down to the right is rofl :D
i did put them from unit sprites even copy them from 2 different maps (including this one) and they still were not in the game :[
you need to remove the structures in the center triangle.
otherwise great!
... not realy, i think it's testbug.
terran can use a lifted barrax for vision, and protoss will have shuttles/observrs vs terran and corsairs vs zerg to grab the island.
added a cell prision at nat cliff so protoss will be safer FEing vs hydralisks, but i'm not sure if the backdoor needs to be closed with a mineral field...
ZvT is okay, because of the island gass and opened middle, but PvZ seems to be a problem because of the open middle, i guess protoss ausin the islands will be enough.
what do you think??
modified by Testbug
Could also have more expos, maybe in the sandpits...
I guess the triangle in the middle is made of mousse au chocolat?
Then "Bon appetit, monsieur!"
(unit sprites)
dont like the spider mines
dont like the neutral eggs
but i agree that u need some kind of blockade of the backdoor
the enterance of the natural got different width at all locations
the deco down to the right is rofl :D