Map ID: #353

Author: noname
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2005, 08, 19 13:58

Comments (7)
I want your jpeg program :P
Looks great :) Might be that the top of the map is a bit too separated and might not actually be used in game..
it's no special program.. i just save the .bmp with scmdraft2 and resize and convert with photoshop.

you could be right about the top. but i think in mid/late game it could be very usefull, because of the gas expos behind the bridges. if you take the top you are able to harras expos at these spots and at the same time you are able to take up to three expos. ..ok it wont be that easy to take all three expos, bcause there is lots of dropping space. :P but still i think the top should be very interesting to be controlled. mainly because of the possibility of controlling the lower gas expos.
Gaming will tell :)
looks awesome.

@ SP: the same could be said about RoV or Space pirates, and even though the lower part of the map is more important on those maps, in mid/late game the upper part get more importance, when the players need the money there.
Oh, wow, i have to say that i really like this map. I especially like how you have choosen the terrain, even if it looks odd to me in the same case. the north looks better than the south, but i think after this beeing an airmap, the "one part of the map may be unused" thing might fall off, after having several nice expansions which may lead to different gameplay.

Again, i'd love to see a game on this map. Can imagine great fights over 45 minutes +
i'm glad you like. :)

listoric: there has been a gas-expo in version 0.1 but i decided to remove it, in order to force the gameplay more to the north of the map.