(4)The Extra Mile
Map ID: #3574

Author: Lancet
Map Size: other
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2009, 03, 17 00:17

Comments (4)
It's been a while since I've made a map but I got this itch to make another one and I finally did it! It's an asymmetrical 196 x 196 4 player map designed for long games where you will probably reach 200 control more than once (a cross between my maps EPICA and Spring). But just to get you to a fast start I have included hallucinated minerals in the bases (Tepozolan). I have borrowed features from the maps EPICA, Shrine of Kehlemar and Nekromantik for this map and have included a T vs 3Z replay that, while not good, does show the map very well.
I love you. Thank you so much for making this map.

I'd love to see you make more 6p or 8p maps.
modified by Excalibur
I should like to see it 128x128, and/or with more players.

Nice to see you here again lancet, here to stay or going back to being lame in the "real world" ?
Thanks Excallibur.

Nightmarjoo, the real world has a lot of perks, you should check it out some time.

I will not be a regular here anymore, I've too much to do, but when I do make the occasional map I will post it here.

See you all & take care.