(4)Inner Circle
Map ID: #358

Author: Starparty
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2005, 10, 04 14:57

Comments (8)
Standard map :P tried to keep it quite unoriginal.
hmmm teals main might be a lil to small
I think you should reduce the amount of minerals :|
In a 2on2 it will be boring with fewer expands
EEEEE...mains look very small.
Terran can post tanks/wall above his 1st nat cliff & sustain 3 expos easily.

I like the middle battlegrounds overall
I don't say to reduce the number of expands, but the value of minerals.. You have 2 expands with 8 minerals and one with 6 minerals + mains = 8 minerals for eac player isn't too much ?
I agree trcc, look, if terran is smart, he can grab so many expos too easily.
I admit tho, its a cool idea, although ramps mess it up a bit. Very pretty map.
Since i want this map for 2vs2 aswell i thought the mineral amout perhaps made for more intensive battles