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(2)Speed of Darkness
Map ID: #3600
Author: Trooper
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2010, 08, 21 04:45
Comments (8)
Hey is me again, this is my latest map speed of darkness named after the book about starcraft speed of darkness. I wanted to try something differant so i did this. tell me what you think deco, layout, ballance, ect. thanks
Interesting man but it will make path issue :(
but the map looks cool
Ok things i edited. I made mains bigger as well as making min only expo smaller but still enough space. Made choke smaller so Fe and sunken line is possible. Made space between nat and 2nd gas expo larger so it is untankable from either side. did some editing in terrain level and also did editing in deco. tell me what you think thanks.
And yes start location is there for 11 start cant see it cause its white.
Terran OWN in this map OWNED
Path issue and it's pretty tight.
Wow cool, first glance this looks really great, I like this!
Deco not done tho. right?
I know u guys are waiting for the mapping competition I promised, to celebrate my new admin powers. I just have been really busy with my social life and the university. But this Saturday ITS HAPPENING, so stay tooned!!
hehe this was like a while back, uh idk i guess i can actually re-dl it and edit it some because i got a new comp since i made this and i dont have it anymore. but uh deco hehe XD if i could actually do deco good i would
but the map looks cool
Deco not done tho. right?
I know u guys are waiting for the mapping competition I promised, to celebrate my new admin powers. I just have been really busy with my social life and the university. But this Saturday ITS HAPPENING, so stay tooned!!