(4) Rush The Monkey
Map ID: #362

Author: megamonk
Map Size: 96*96
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2005, 08, 24 03:26

Comments (5)
Bigger bloodbath with a stupid name = my first map from a while ago. "Terran cliffs" on all mains LOL.

Tear it up if you'd like. I just wanted to post something. My new one is coming :)
it would look best in space. 2 chokes is a terrible idea for PvT.
2 expansions within chokes, i did not think it was possible. its a very stupid idea.
Yeah, when I made it me and a group of friends played mainly ZVZ ZVT. Rushing/quick games was the main idea...mineral expo inside chokes is very stupid. Totally free natural, stupid as well. Just got back into the game last month and saw how horrible the map was. Thought I would give it another try. I figured I might as well post the crap I started with :)
Well, still much better than my first map^^

what size is this map? 96² or 128²?
96x96 I think I just used staredit for that one.