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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #3623
Author: ProTosS4EveR
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Desert
Last Updated: 2009, 04, 27 17:16
Comments (14)
From nearly a month, i was thinking about a way to make scouting possible with peons when enemy's nat is taken. Yesterday i looked at my maps and noticed that this feature can be easily done in (2)Coastal Battery.
This is the backdoor of the main, there are 4x2 eggs. I don't want them destroyed so i put dweb to avoid units to attack and enough far away from tanks.
From the outside i made a bluestorm like enter to let only small units pass (peons)
Of course you can put some units/buildings to guard this enter but there would be less defence in the nat
The mineral block value in the main is 64 modified by ProTosS4EveR
This is very cool man , good good job.
I don't like the name of the map tho :P
u cant have this close distance nat to nat it impacts balance too much
how do you destroy the back door with that web.. even a zealot can't hit from outside
i was thinking about a way to make scouting possible with peons when enemy's nat is taken.
i was thinking about a way to make scouting possible with peons when enemy's nat is taken.
i was thinking about a way to make scouting possible with peons when enemy's nat is taken.
I don't want them destroyed so i put dweb to avoid units to attack and enough far away from tanks.
I don't want them destroyed so i put dweb to avoid units to attack and enough far away from tanks.
I don't want them destroyed so i put dweb to avoid units to attack and enough far away from tanks.
I don't want them destroyed so i put dweb to avoid units to attack and enough far away from tanks. modified by ProTosS4EveR
No it doesn't work; you aren't going to have vision of their minerals most of the time, and if you do, you've already scouted so you don't need to anymore.
The rest of the map sucks because you tried to make a 128x128 map, and because your odd concept pushes the nats far away since reversing it creates pathing issues.
The nats are too close to eachother as Morrow said.
A lot of wasted space at 9 and 12/6, products of using a poor map size choice/starting positions.
The min only at 9 is useless.
The nats would be terrible even if they weren't too close to eachother.
The expo layout is kind of retarded, with poor spacing due to using 128x128.
What I like about the map:
The attempt to incorporate a backdoor, though I feel this attempt was rather bad executionally and conceptually.
The transition from a lowground middle to a highground side.
The Bifrost paths on the edge. However, imo it's almost useless in this map.
Spinel Valley gas expos (and I dunno, I don't like their placement relative to that of the ramps right by them).
Desert tileset.
btw, are you using Testbug's ramps? They have some slight altitude errors, as can be seen in Spinel Valley. Someone, I think excalibur, "fixed" them, but then I heard that his fix is ugly. I never looked into this stuff myself.
I like your concept ideas, but I wish the rest of your maps weren't so lazily planned and executed ._.
The picture reminded me of a sunrise.
Like Nightmarjoo said, when you come up with a new idea for a concept you still have to make a good map in addition to that extra feature. This map has one interesting idea and then the rest is just boring. Besides, being able to scout the enemy main with a probe probably won't affect the game much, if at all.
"btw, are you using Testbug's ramps? They have some slight altitude errors, as can be seen in Spinel Valley. Someone, I think excalibur, "fixed" them, but then I heard that his fix is ugly. I never looked into this stuff myself."
I don't believe I fixed them, and even if I had, I think function > cosmetics any day. :P
The problem with testbug's ramps was not "slight altitude errors" but sprite doodad tiles provivding cover for units on them (on every single unbuildable tile of the ramp, to be precise).
It was me who fixed it, but for some reason Nightmarjoo has not uploaded the new version, yet.
I checked this map - and - surprise, surprise - there is the same issue, because there is no source for the bugfixed ramps so far.
If you want them, Protoss4ever, I can give you the bugfixed spinel valley. I can also give you a template with bug free ramps in all directions that look a bit different that I designed for one of my maps (will post it soon, when Mystique and Everflow updates are done).
About this map: I am a huge fan of egg wall backddors, but in this map it does not work.
To make it work you would need the backdoor next to the mineral line, so a worker scout would have vision of the minerals to be able to hop the wall.
This kind of "from-behind"-backddor done right would also solve most pathing issues, I think. Take a look at medusa and consider a similar layout for the backdoor. modified by freakling
hi freakling, you know i'm inactive now, and i sent you some pms saying thanks for fixing my dessert ramps.
i didn't know that nightmarjoo hadn't uploaded them :( can you please do it?
How could I? Neither am I admin nor do I have the password :(
Oh, and by the way: It, still, isn't "dessert" terrain :P (but with enaugh creep on it it looks like pudding...) modified by Freakling
This is the backdoor of the main, there are 4x2 eggs. I don't want them destroyed so i put dweb to avoid units to attack and enough far away from tanks.
From the outside i made a bluestorm like enter to let only small units pass (peons)
Of course you can put some units/buildings to guard this enter but there would be less defence in the nat
The mineral block value in the main is 64
modified by ProTosS4EveR
I don't like the name of the map tho :P
i was thinking about a way to make scouting possible with peons when enemy's nat is taken.
i was thinking about a way to make scouting possible with peons when enemy's nat is taken.
I don't want them destroyed so i put dweb to avoid units to attack and enough far away from tanks.
I don't want them destroyed so i put dweb to avoid units to attack and enough far away from tanks.
I don't want them destroyed so i put dweb to avoid units to attack and enough far away from tanks.
I don't want them destroyed so i put dweb to avoid units to attack and enough far away from tanks.
modified by ProTosS4EveR
The rest of the map sucks because you tried to make a 128x128 map, and because your odd concept pushes the nats far away since reversing it creates pathing issues.
The nats are too close to eachother as Morrow said.
A lot of wasted space at 9 and 12/6, products of using a poor map size choice/starting positions.
The min only at 9 is useless.
The nats would be terrible even if they weren't too close to eachother.
The expo layout is kind of retarded, with poor spacing due to using 128x128.
What I like about the map:
The attempt to incorporate a backdoor, though I feel this attempt was rather bad executionally and conceptually.
The transition from a lowground middle to a highground side.
The Bifrost paths on the edge. However, imo it's almost useless in this map.
Spinel Valley gas expos (and I dunno, I don't like their placement relative to that of the ramps right by them).
Desert tileset.
btw, are you using Testbug's ramps? They have some slight altitude errors, as can be seen in Spinel Valley. Someone, I think excalibur, "fixed" them, but then I heard that his fix is ugly. I never looked into this stuff myself.
I like your concept ideas, but I wish the rest of your maps weren't so lazily planned and executed ._.
I don't believe I fixed them, and even if I had, I think function > cosmetics any day. :P
It was me who fixed it, but for some reason Nightmarjoo has not uploaded the new version, yet.
I checked this map - and - surprise, surprise - there is the same issue, because there is no source for the bugfixed ramps so far.
If you want them, Protoss4ever, I can give you the bugfixed spinel valley. I can also give you a template with bug free ramps in all directions that look a bit different that I designed for one of my maps (will post it soon, when Mystique and Everflow updates are done).
About this map: I am a huge fan of egg wall backddors, but in this map it does not work.
To make it work you would need the backdoor next to the mineral line, so a worker scout would have vision of the minerals to be able to hop the wall.
This kind of "from-behind"-backddor done right would also solve most pathing issues, I think. Take a look at medusa and consider a similar layout for the backdoor.
modified by freakling
i didn't know that nightmarjoo hadn't uploaded them :( can you please do it?
Oh, and by the way: It, still, isn't "dessert" terrain :P (but with enaugh creep on it it looks like pudding...)
modified by Freakling