Map ID: #3632

Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Space
Last Updated: 2009, 05, 07 09:12

Comments (7)
friend asked me to post this. i tried it and there are little path issues but other than that i think its good.
u should edit 12 6 9 3 expoes so u cant expo in behind expo before u mine out the primary one, how it is now is just kinda messed up

so if u do as i say u got more of a logical concept
modified by MorroW
u should really balance out the wallins at this map (in the main)

u will also have to rotate the natural minerals so they face against the edge so mutas have a chanse of harassment

u should fix all tank holes and such things

better deco and some unbuildable terrain is needed too

u gotta remove the geyser from the what-should-be-a-min-only outside the natural

add a mineral in the main base and remove 2 minerals in the what-will-become-a-min-only-if-u-want-the-map-to-become-good

move teals start location 2 hex down

move purples start location 3 hex down

not a horrible map. just horrible at the moment ;)
modified by MorroW
ill tell him. at least someone commented
haha majority of ppls comments doesnt really impact the balance in the maps so u should be happy that one did ^.^
woah this map is a mess :O
"can you tell me what the mess is besides what Morrow said?" said my friend