(2)Bloody Peak
Map ID: #3670

Author: Zerilous
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ice
Last Updated: 2009, 08, 22 13:43

Comments (9)
could be a 4p map
Yeah, I'm more than aware of that. It was originally going to be. But I ended up making it 2 play. I was thinking of making a 4 player version, but I'm too lazy at the moment.
one question to all here in this site.. why do you make maps when nobody plays them anyways..
Iccup noobs know only to play maps with an KeSPA "tatoo" on them.. :)
obviously, your question isn't addressed to me XD

and back to this map; it is simply too tight
We make maps because we enjoy making them, at least that's my reason. And I actually get most of my friends to play on them also, so some people do play on them.

LOL LasTCursE I make maps 4 fun , and I play them with my friends (Although they sometimes complain that Its unfair , because I mad it :)

Not sure about the map.
I don't make maps anymoer.
Hmm...Could I perhaps a resonable response to my map? All I have is that the map is too tight...What else?
Ill download the map if you make the middle a bit bigger, or can i do it for u?