Map ID: #3682

Author: sWaGu
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2009, 06, 10 19:10

Comments (12)
Awsome. love it.
my first attempt at a 3p map. i cant think of middle so i left it for now and dont tell me it looks ugly.
CC in the center - Holy World
Natural - Troy
Min only + that basilica thingy - Tears of the moon
yes i was going to say that.And the islands are not in rotational symmetry = positional imbalance.
i know the islands arent balanced. but the map looks so emptry if thyre not there so i put them there and i believe it causes no problem because i belive they cant be tanked. if you want me to take them out i will. and the basilica thing is so you cant just tank the min only if you want to. i didnt mean to make it like tears of the moon. and i didnt put that cc there (my brother must have). and the troy thing i really like I just think i might make it buildable so you arent permanently stuck.

any ideas on the middle?
uh, how about something like wuthering heights? not necessarily a mountain, but well, you get the point.
added ovie spots
changed deco
made middle half buildable

assimilators are rebuildable so you arent completely plugged in. if you are i know how frustrating it is. zerg can survive then if they have access to the rest of the map
I think that if you really put your mined into it you can fit rotational symmetry islands , it will be a lot of work tho I admit , but map will look much cooler that way.It would really step the maps "rank" Just imagine for a second if a in a pro map the mapmaker got lazy and had a half rotational symmetric map.Yeah you need to get those islands going.(Map honestly looks noob if u leave it that way sry , its the truth)

And about the rebuildable assimilators you NEED! to make them unbuildable , its gives Toss to much of an advantage , none of the other races can rebuild it (well at least not successfully , that means that they can put the building there but it basically wont do shit)Think of the power of controlling the assimilators its to great.
so keep the assimilators buildable or not?
Keep assimilators but un buildable
well right now im wondering where to put the islands because i have no space pretty much wherever i turn it
name is taken though