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(4)Dark Roots
Map ID: #3706
Author: TkTkVrooM
Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2009, 06, 18 17:22
Comments (8)
nother attempt at a 4 player map, haven't made many worth uploading.
tell me what u think
no flanking possibilities, middle is too small
you should make vertical mineral formations inmain
For sure its worth up loading, I really like the deco good job.
I don't like how the 3rd gas is positioned tho.
too much wasted space, map is too tight and too linear
just like ur pussy
Looks like the most boring possible version of a standard layout. It's like Luna expo layout merged with "BGH-everything-on-same-terrain-level" style. Too linear, lack of expos, bad use of space....
Having two middle expos on a four player rotational map is a positional imballance, though it seems to be OK distancewise on this particular map.
Those doodad overgrown hills/islands are as purposeless as ugly and also positionally imballanced (at least fo siege tanks cliffing nats).
My advice would be to just stop developement of this map.
looks like maps you made decades ago modified by ProTosS4EveR
tell me what u think
you should make vertical mineral formations inmain
I don't like how the 3rd gas is positioned tho.
Having two middle expos on a four player rotational map is a positional imballance, though it seems to be OK distancewise on this particular map.
Those doodad overgrown hills/islands are as purposeless as ugly and also positionally imballanced (at least fo siege tanks cliffing nats).
My advice would be to just stop developement of this map.
modified by ProTosS4EveR