(0)[Ash] Bridges
Map ID: #3727

Map Size: 128*128
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2009, 07, 06 20:36

Comments (9)
rofl ;D
pretty nice
Indeed, who is author?
isant it obvous? its the mystery person that make that underline map. and now ask bridges. oh btw nightmarjoo you know how you said there are no bridges in ash? WRONG!
Yo LasTCursE if u dont want to up load the maps, why not tell us where can we DL those maps.
Give us some sites.
plz :)
Good now someone get Testbug, Cracky, or Freaky to make a map using them. :P
There is no worse concept than "I want to use this certain kind of terrain in a map". So I cannot promise anything. I normally do it the other way around. Thinking of a concept layout, then asking myself which tileset and which kind of blends I need and then creating them (mostly easy, given the right choice of tileset) and ensuring they are as bug free as possible (amazingly difficult for there are so many things that can go wrong...)
"There is no worse concept than 'I want to use this certain kind of terrain in a map' " agreed.

The ramps look very good, whoever made/found them (probably lastcurse).
thats awesome
Very nice...

Unfortunately I never use ash tileset.