(2)Hells Wind Staff
Map ID: #3739

Author: TkTkVrooM
Map Size: 128*96
Tileset: Ash
Last Updated: 2009, 07, 15 04:59

Comments (4)
New map
few lil features, the back door to nat leads straight to ramp for sneak scouting

there is a pylon at 4th gas that blocks half the choke it can be filled with 1 suppy depot or 1 pylon
modified by tktkvroom
Looks good but remove the high dirt at the middle.
got a game in there was a random path leading from souths nat to 6 expo
so i filled that

the high dirt in the middle got in the way so i removed that
It's kind of gas issue-ish 'cause green is going to have gas issue in his expo and throughout 'cause all the bases in his spot have gas issue.