Map ID: #3757

Author: coV
Map Size: 96*128
Tileset: Jungle
Last Updated: 2009, 07, 23 21:10

Comments (6)
My new map, Apocalypse.


First off you start off with 8 minerals 1 gas
You have a backdoor expansion that has MINERALS OF 1000 AND GAS OF 2500.
Then you have a regular 6 mineral/gas expansion. In your natural you have backdoor (small ramp) stacked with 10 0 value minerals that leads to a regular 6 minerals.
I made the 2nd natural barely buildable 'cause it's close and has regualar 6 minerals/gas. Your 3rd natural has 7 minerals/gas.

Yep that's it.
I like a couple of things, such as u giving originality and putting ideas out.

I do rather think that u could improve the deco, and i like the ruins but maybe give them a cooler shape?
i like the 2 and 7 o clock expos for some reason. and i agree the ruins in the middle are too square. otherwise sexy time.
maybe connect the expos with the bridge to the expo with the big ramp? would give the outer edge so flow.
Alright thanks for the comments I'll get to those right away.
Bleh, it looks better on the minimap. I'll try to make it better.

Trooper you want me to make wide ramps in the expansion with the bridges?