(2)Goliath and Goliath
Map ID: #3796

Author: aeoliant
Map Size: 96*96
Tileset: Badlands
Last Updated: 2009, 08, 11 01:44

Comments (10)
hey guys. so with this map i kinda wanted an attack-defend kind of aspect. i started off with a monty hall thing and went from there. i know the bridge is tight but later game i suspect it won't be used as much because why cross when you can push into the main. threw in some dwebs so that at the backdoor even if you're a ranged unit you have to stand close. all constructive comments are welcome. oh and the high grass is MOSTLY unbuildable in the middle (buildable only where the base is).
modified by aeoliant
gas issue
Top right, go 2 "artcles", and then reed the gas issue article.
There's no gas issue.
yeah im pretty sure left and top are both good.
Fix the geysers in main, they are in unequal positions, thus leading to one player getting more gas than the other. Just because the optimal scv count for both the locations is 3 scv per geyser at the current locations, they mine at a slightly different pace, so one player, over a couple of minutes, may have more tanks, lurkers, mutalisks, etc. This plays a large factor in mirror match ups, it makes a big difference.

The "good" positions, in the mains, mine differently, they are unequal, giving a slight advantage that COULD make a big difference in a game.

Don't 5 tanks > 4 tanks? or 6 muta > 5 muta?

This is the gas issue, in the mains only. The expoes don't matter as much, so just change the gasses in main. Read the articles.
alright fixed it jungleterrain.
Looks much better now.

And one thing I really like is that bridge in the middle
do you guys like the design of the backdoor ?
modified by aeoliant