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A brief guide to CREEP SPAWNERS (by Freakling)
Map ID: #3797
Author: larjarse
Map Size: 64*128
Tileset: Twilight
Last Updated: 2009, 08, 14 01:17
Comments (9)
apparently picture filesize is too big. and I'm at work. I'll upload one later.
In the meantime, you should download and play around on it. It's a pretty fun 1v1. And of course, comments are always appreciated. modified by LarJarsE
A looks tight IMO
what's the max filesize or dimensions for the picture upload? because it's not working....
800 and look up at the article "Geting a picture of ur map"
And did it 4 u this 1 time :) modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
Interesting but like I said too tight, make middle more open.
And remember gas issue doesn't only matters in the main, not anywhere else so make it perpendicular for balance. So yeah, change the natural's gas position.
For me I would either remove the basicalla and put a pretty deco or make the basicalla way bigger.
Other than that good job. :P
Really not a fan of narrow maps.
How come gas issue only matters in the main? And what about mineral issue?
Gas positions of naturals were not chosen in regards to the 'gas issue'. The map is symmetrical, and gas was placed there functionally to provide cover for the main ramp (for before a player has expanded).
As for the middle: I don't think it's too tight. The basicalla provides only two ways to pass to the other side, and the ramps are wide enough. The left side gaps allow large units to pass through, and there is high ground expansions with wide ramps once left is passed. The right also provides another sizable gap to pass and reach the back of the basicalla ramps.
I will try to get some decent reps asap. I've played with this map online and won and lost pvt and pvz.
My issue is getting tests with decent players. I like playing with my friends, but they aren't the best haha. Will anyone be around 10pm-1amEST? Possibly to exchange test games? modified by larjarse
Oh yeah, i forgot this Y mirrored, sorry thought it was XY mirrored. modified by coV
In the meantime, you should download and play around on it. It's a pretty fun 1v1. And of course, comments are always appreciated.
modified by LarJarsE
And did it 4 u this 1 time :)
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
And remember gas issue doesn't only matters in the main, not anywhere else so make it perpendicular for balance. So yeah, change the natural's gas position.
For me I would either remove the basicalla and put a pretty deco or make the basicalla way bigger.
Other than that good job. :P
Gas positions of naturals were not chosen in regards to the 'gas issue'. The map is symmetrical, and gas was placed there functionally to provide cover for the main ramp (for before a player has expanded).
As for the middle: I don't think it's too tight. The basicalla provides only two ways to pass to the other side, and the ramps are wide enough. The left side gaps allow large units to pass through, and there is high ground expansions with wide ramps once left is passed. The right also provides another sizable gap to pass and reach the back of the basicalla ramps.
I will try to get some decent reps asap. I've played with this map online and won and lost pvt and pvz.
My issue is getting tests with decent players. I like playing with my friends, but they aren't the best haha. Will anyone be around 10pm-1amEST? Possibly to exchange test games?
modified by larjarse
modified by coV